Sick day with daddy and sick night with dada

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Dylan's pov
I wake up to the alarm going off, I rub my eyes and stretch before turning it off. I look over at Blake and Alex and Alex is still asleep but Blake isn't "good morning love" he says to me "good morning" I say as I run my fingers through my hair. I then start to let myself drift back to sleep which wasn't hard since I just woke up and was still laying down "hey you can't fall back asleep, you have to go to school" Blake says as he shakes me a bit and I open my eyes "ugh can't I just stay home and help look after our sick baby" I say and gently put my hand on Alex's forehead which is still warm "no love you have to go to school and also get my work and Alex's, but you get to take care of him tonight when I have work" he says "fine" I sigh and carefully get up to go get dressed. Once I got dressed I went back into the room and Blake was sitting up with Alex leaning on his chest "someone else also didn't want to get up" Blake says and rubs Alex's back. I go over to them and kiss Alex's head "good morning baby" I say to him and he looks at me and gives me a little wave and makes grabby hands at me so I pick him up and hold him and he rests his head on my shoulder "common pup lets go get you something to drink and your medicine" I say and go to grab his dino and frog sippy cup from last night "I got the cups love you take him" Blake says "alright thank you" I say and walk out of the room and take Alex downstairs.

When we get downstairs I go into the kitchen and go to sit Alex down in a chair but he whines and holds onto me tightly "I just need to get your medicine little one" I tell him but he still doesn't let go "fine, I'll just take you with me" I say and put him in a more comfortable position on my hip and then get his medicine "bun what do you want to drink" Blake asks and Alex just shrugs "do you want some broth?" Blake asks and Alex looks like he is thinking about it before nodding "ok baby boy, daddy will get you some broth" Blake says and then goes to make his sippy cup. Once I got his medicine I sat down in the chair with him on my lap figuring he would whine again if I tried to put him down again but I don't mind holding my baby, I'd hold him all day if I could and if he wanted me to. Blake comes over with Alex's sippy cup and sit it down in front of him "here you go little love" he says and Alex looks at the sippy cup and smiles a little around his paci and pats the top of Blakes hand two times "i'm going to take that as a thank you so your welcome prince" Blake says and kisses Alex's head which makes Alex look at him. He then takes his paci out his mouth and holds it out to Blake and makes little babbling noises. I guess he woke up in a smaller headspace this morning instead of a nonverbal one like I was thinking "do you want daddy to hold your paci for you pup?" I ask him and he looks at me and nods his head "alright baby bun daddy will hold it for you" Blake says and gently takes the paci and holds it.

I pick up the sippy cup and bring it to Alex's mouth and he puts his hands on the cup and holds it and drinks a little bit off it "baby can you put some more drink in your mouth but don't swallow it yet please?" I ask him and he slightly nods and does it "ok tip your head back and open your mouth a little bit please" I say and grab the pill. He does what I asked and I then put the pill in his mouth "ok little one you can swallow now" I tell him and he swallows and makes a little disgusted face most likely because of the pill and then he drinks some more of his broth "good job prince you took your medicine like a big boy" I tell him and kiss his head and he smiles. I look away from Alex when a plate is put in front of me that has a piece of toast on it and there is also a thermal mug as well. I look up and see Blake which I didn't even realize he had left before "come on baby boy dada has to go to school now" he says and takes Alex off of my lap and holds him as he pouts and looks at me "thank you for the breakfast but look at that little face can't I just stay?" I ask again hoping for a different answer.

I see Alex nod his head at what I said "see even our baby agrees with me" I say "your welcome for the breakfast but no you have to go even if our baby agrees with you" he says "ugh fine" I say and give Alex a kiss on the head "dada has to go pup daddy won't let me stay home but i'll be back after school and daddy will be with you the whole time i'm gone" I tell him and he whines "I know baby but you and daddy will have fun while i'm at school and then when I get home we can cuddle or do whatever you want ok?" I ask him and he slightly nods "ok" I say and give him one more kiss on the head "be careful love, have a good day" Blake says as I grab my bag, drink, and quickly eat my toast "I will be" I say and give him a quick kiss before grabbing the keys to my car and then going into the garage to leave.

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