The Normal.

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Riley's P.O.V

It is quite tiring having to go and pick up your little brother from school as soon as you finish school yourself. I always have to skip detentions because I CAN NOT be late to pick him up again or the teachers will be suspicious.

As you guessed, I do not live the 'average' teenage girls life. I don't think living in a flat with a 6 year old without any parents is classed as normal these days, but hey! Why be normal?

I unlocked the front door and dropped all of Ollie and I's bags on the floor.

"Riles, I'm hungry, can you put my picture on the fridge!" He has always called me Riles. He could never say the 'y' when he was younger so he gave me a nickname and I suppose it stuck.

"Yeah, come and show me your picture, and what do you want for dinner?" he suddenly pulled a puzzled face. I bet he will say pasta and sauce, this kid is obsessed with pasta and sauce.

"My picture is a painting of us two! Look, I even made our eyes the correct colour, can I have pasta and sauce please?" see what did I tell you! Pasta and sauce.

"Aw, that's an amazing picture!" I said while sticking it up on the fridge with the remaining fridge magnets.

"And really Ollie? You have had the same thing for dinner three days in a row but this is the last time!" I quickly led him off into the living room and put on some sort of disney show while I started boiling the water for the pasta.


I sat down at the table with Oliver as we are in a comfortable silence. He look's sad, It's horrible to see your little brother sad.

"What's wrong?" I questioned while shoving a piece of pasta into my mouth. He sighed and looked up at me.

"I miss mummy and daddy" he said as his lip started to tremble and a tear fell from his eyes. I jumped up off of my chair and walked over to him. He already finished his dinner so I took him upstairs into his room and I laid in the bed with him.

"I miss them too buddy" I sighed as a flashback came to mind. Here we go again.


I walked in the door and shouted to see if anybody was in and nobody replied. That's weird, my mum is usually in with Oliver by now. I walked into the kitchen to find a note on the table.

'Just gone to the shop to get some milk, can you pick up Ollie for me please?

Love mum&dad x'

Hmmm.. That's weird, they could pick up Ollie on the way home from the shop. I looked in the fridge to find that we had loads of milk? This is not making sense. It finally clicked.

I ran upstairs to my mum and dad's bedroom to find the room cleaned out. No no no no, this can not he happening. They actually left?

I checked my phone and I had one unread message from mum. It said 'sorry x' ... And that was the last thing I heard off of my mum and dad.


I looked to see that Oliver had finally fallen asleep. I might as well just sleep here tonight. I fell into a deep sleep about our parents.


Oliver's P.O.V

I opened my eyes to see my big sister holding onto me. I miss mummy and daddy. Riles said that they went away for work and they will not be coming back for a VERY long time. I wish they came back now. I want daddy to read me a story and for mummy to make me her special pancakes that are cut into disney characters. She always covered then in loads and loads of syrup, I think it's called syrup...

Riley's P.O.V

I woke up to see Oliver staring at me with his bright blue eyes. "Gooooodmorning Rilesss" he said in a singing voice. "Morning Ollie" I said while trying to make my eyes adjust to the sudden light.

"What do you want for breakfast?" I questioned. He put his thinking face on while sitting up.

"Ermmm, can I have.... A slice of toast!" Oh he loves his toast.

"Magic word?" he forgets to say please sometimes. He is a very well mannered boy. I am so proud of how far he has come. "PLEASEEEE!" he shouted right in my ear drum. Oh gosh.

"Ollie! I am right here! Please do not shout" I said while I got out of bed and stretched. Ahh that felt good. The satisfaction of your bones clicking from a morning stretch.

I walked down the stairs and started making breakfast. I do love the weekend. I get to spend quality time with my brother, he is my world.

The door bell went and I nearly dropped the toast for Oliver. I quickly buttered it and put it on the table.

"OLLIE! BREAKFAST!" Ouch that hurt my throat. Oh yeah the door.

I opened the door to find a police officer with a women who looked about 27 with a clipboard in hand with loads of paper?... What is going on?

"Hello, you must be Riley Jones, I am PC Jones coincidently but you can call me Mark, and this women here is Ana. Can we come in please?" The policeman mark said.

"Y-yes sure" I quickly closed the door and made my way to the living room where they went.

"Can you bring in your little brother please? We would like to talk to him too" smiled the women named Ana. I do not like this.

"OLLIE! Come here for a second please" he came in, did a quick look at the strangers in our house and sat on my lap, he gets nervous and shy around strangers.

"Ok, you are probably wondering why we are here?" I quickly nodded. The women quickly stepped in.

"Sweetie, somebody told us about your situation at home, I know you are 15 and you live home alone with your little brother who is 6, we are going to have to take you to the police station to see if anybody will take you in. Is that okay?" I suddenly burst out into tears. They are going to take Ollie away from me, I know it. I grabbed onto him and held him tightly. They can not take away my brother.

"No, sweetie, let go of him, it's alright, we will not separate the both of you, I promise!" said Ana. I just want mum and dad back. They just left us? Who leaves their two underage kids by themselves? Who does that!? I am crying out of mostly anger, and anger for Oliver! He is 6! Who leaves a 6 year old without parents for no reason at all.

"Please don't separate me, he is the only person I have left" I wiped away a few tears.

"Riles, where are we going and why are you crying" he said while hugging me. I do love him.

"We are going on an adventure! And I am not crying, a fly flew into my eyes and made them water" I quickly got up and made my way to the police car with Ollie in my arms. I don't want to leave! I want to stay here. This is not fair!

I closed the door of the police car and put my keys into my pocket. Why does everything always go wrong in my world. Life is a messed up rollercoaster.

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