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Ethan's P.O.V

It's 10am and I need to get ready for my game but I can't be bothered to get out of my extremely comfortable bed. I need to be there by 12pm so I guess I should start moving.

I had a quick shower and started getting ready. I threw on my shorts, t-shirt and shoes and packed my bag and made my way downstairs. I left a note on the fridge with the address of my game.

"Do you want any breakfast Ethan?" smiled Charlotte. I can eat when I get there.

"No thank you" I quickly grabbed an apple and started walking to where the game was.

Lisa's P.O.V

'GOOOOD MORNING! I want everybody in the kitchen in 30 minutes please! Everybody needs to be dressed when they come down, if you are not ready there will be consequences so get out of bed now, thank you' this intercom is so helpful. I sat down next to Lee and started eating. Yeah, he came back at 4am.

Charlotte quickly made a pile of pancakes and placed them on the table as Chase appeared in the kitchen.

"Morning mummy" I smiled. He must have ran down the stairs when one of the boys got him ready.

"Morning" I picked him up and sat him at the table and out a bib around his neck so he did not make a mess on his clothes.

Then Oliver, Morgan and Cameron came down the stairs and sat up the table. I handed each kid 2 pancakes each.

A load of muffled voices were walling down the hall which were probably all of the other kids, they got the elevator.

"Morning mum and dad" they all said in sync.


Everybody ended up having 3 pancakes each for breakfast. That is a whole load of pancakes.

We all got in our limousine and our driver started making his way to Ethan's game.

"DON'T HIT ME KANE! I WILL HURT YOU!" shouted Riley.

"Go on then little miss feisty!"

Justin's P.O.V

Riley tried to launch at Kane but I pulled her back down on the seat.

"Ah! Get off of me Justin, I need to hit him back!"

"You can, but do it when we get home, we are here to support our brother not to become a professional fighter in WWE, you know we fight later" she sighed and sat back in her seat.

"We are here people!" everybody piled out of the limo and made our way to or designated seats. I ended up sitting in between Kane and Riley. Wonderful.

Riley's P.O.V

The game's starting! There are so many people here! Ethan is so good, he is dodging and passing like a pro. I'm quite proud of him. My big brother should be a soccer player when he is older because he is smashing it.

"That's my boy!" Shouted mum.

"GO ON ETHAN!" he looked up and flashed me a cheeky smile before he carried on.

It is 14-10 and Ethan's team are currently in the lead! There are 15 minutes left of the game.

I was talking to Jake and Cole when a sudden ear piercing scream silenced the whole place. My head shot down to the pitch to see a boy curled up on the floor with his head in his hands. I looked closer to see that the boy was in fact my brother. Cole noticed too and we both stood up and ran onto then field with Mum following behind.

"Excuse me, you three can not be here!" said some random human. I shrugged and pushed passed him.

"Ethan! What's wrong?" I kneeled down beside him as he squeezed my hand. I felt like he was crushing it so I quickly swapped places with Cole. That hurt like a bitch but it's fine.

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