The Truth.

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Kayden's P.O.V

My eyes shot open as I woke up from my stupid nightmare. I hate these things, I have a pounding headache and it's 4am. This sucks. Wait how did I get here... Kieran? I closed my eyes hoping the pain in my head would go away but the flashback of my nightmare just popped back into my head. Only one option to fix this, argh. I slowly climbed out of bed, quickly gripping the wall, and walked to my bothers room.

I knocked on the door a few times and barged in.

"Kayden? Is that you?" I mumbled a few words as he moved over in his double bed, letting me lay down next to him, while rubbing his eyes.

"Another nightmare, is it the same one again? And how is your head" he asked while trying to wake himself up a little bit.

"The same one, and it's pounding" he sighed and sat up.

"So, tell me what happened in this nightmare" I groaned.

"I tell you every time it happens! You probably know it step by step now!"

"Yeah but you need to say it again, it's good for you because don't you remember when it was so bad and you refused to tell me what happened? Yeah now look where we are, so tell me."

"I was in the school hallway, I walked to my locker and it had GAY spray painted on it. Everybody around me was laughing and giggling, really loudly. I was crying, I tried to unlock my locker but my hands were shaking and I couldn't. I tried to run but everything just stopped. A big kid walked up to me and shoved me into the locker sending sharp shooting pains throughout my whole back. He dropped me to the floor and started punching me. Spitting words into my mind, he beat me up until I passed out. That's when I woke up" Kieran simply nodded at what I said.

"Okay, now you have to tell me what happened, because I have no clue how I got home" Kieran's face suddenly panicked. What did I do!?

"I picked you up from the parties destination where I found you in bed with some boy who looked about 17. Check your stomach and neck later... You were only in your boxers so I got you dressed, took you home and put you on the sofa. Everybody knew you actually disappeared this time so I could not hide you from them. Then you did something you should not have... Mom accidentally woke you up and you ended up saying 'I LIKE RAINBOWSSS, GIRLS ARE YUCKYY, I AM GAYYY' and something along the lines of ' I DONT LIKE VAGINAS BUT THANKS FOR LETTING ME COME OUT OF YOURS. I LIKE DICK WOO-HOO' and everybody heard you. Everybody knows you're gay K, it's not that much of a secret anymore" my eyes closed. Don't cry Kayden, dammit.

"I-I did t-that?" He nodded and I fell into his arms and cried. He let me cry and cry and cry.

"Shhhh, it's alright budd, you can get through this" Kieran is so tired right now but he has always let me fall asleep with him when I can't go to sleep by myself.

I felt myself getting tired, I fell into a light sleep.


Eurgh, I felt a presence next to me and instantly recognised it as kieran's. I hit his stomach... Hard.

"OUCH" he grunted and groaned.

"Owww, my head. Shut up and good morning" I do love a hangover!

"It's 2pm, idiot, it's afternoon" I hit him again and made my way back to my room to get changed.

Riley's P.O.V

My eyes shot open at the sound of my phone abruptly making 28482883 million pinging noises per second. I groaned and picked up my phone and quickly typed in my password while my eyes were trying to focus. See I try to be a nice person by leaving my phone off of silent during the night just in case my friends need me but some people just take advantage of that.

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