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Riley's P.O.V

"MOMMMMYYY" shouted Arya from the play room in the living room. These four definitely keep me on my toes.

"Yes princess?" she looked up at me, her bright blue eyes sparkling with joy.

"Can I watch movie?" she asked with puppy dog eyes, I smiled and nodded.

"Do you three want to watch a movie too?" I asked the boys who are currently playing with lego.

Jonah looked up at me, he is my special multi coloured eyed boy. One of his eyes are blue and one of them are brown, definitely going to be a lady killer when he grows up.

"WIZARDS OF OZ!" shouted JJ.

"Inside voice please" he giggled but stood up and started climbing onto the sofa in front of the tv. Harley, Arya and Jonah all toddled over tried to climb up to follow their brother.

Jonah got up with ease with Harley quickly following. Arya tried but she fell straight back onto her bum and started to cry. I went to help her but Harley looked down at her and got off the sofa.

"Ar-Ar, no cry? You otay! I help woo" he patted his sister on the back softly and wiped her face. Harley has a bit of speech delay problems but the doctor said it will all come along soon.

Arya stood back up and stopped crying. She tried to wriggle onto the sofa, Harley quickly pushed her bum up and she rolled onto the sofa, he climbed up after her. My kids are so smart, it must run in the family.

"Thank you Harley" he smiled. I do love my kids, this is heart warming to be honest, I love it when they are all sweet with each other.

I put in the movie and dimmed the lights and threw a blanket over them. They are two now, gosh the past two years have been eventful, having four kids who are the same age is amazing yet hard. If one got sick, the other three got sick too. If one cries, the other three cry but now that only happens if it's during the night time, apart from that they cry individually.

"Sugar plum!" shrieked Jax as he ran into the house. He picked me up and spun me around.

"JAX! I've missed you" he gave me a tight hug.

"I'm so glad i'm on break, couldn't wait to come back home and visit you and the little monsters" he smiled and walked over, kissing every kid on the head.

"JAXXXXXXX" screamed Jonah. Which then lead to a scream fest.

"JAXXXY!" shouted Harley.

"JAXTON!" shrieked JJ.

"JAXJAX" screamed Arya. Still to this day, I am not use to all the screaming and shouting.

"How long are you off for this time?" he goes college, and his college is a 2 hour drive away, he never wanted to go when he got accepted into it but Jason and I convinced him because it's one of the best sports colleges there is.

"Erm two weeks I think so i'm staying here for both" TWO WEEKS? YES!

"What! Really!? This is great, i've got my best friend back for two weeks straight" he smiled and sat down next to Arya. She climbed into his lap and laid with her back to his chest. Jonah, JJ and Harley all decided they wanted to lay on Uncle Jax.

Jonah ended up under his left arm, right under his armpit which is slightly horrid. Harley sat in between his and Arya's legs and then JJ sat under his right arm, leaning on his rib cage.

I quickly took a picture and posted it to instsgram. He rolled his eyes, obviously knowing what I did.

If Jax is here, Jason should be back soon too.

"Hey babe" Trey walked in the door, dropping his bag and jacket onto the floor.

He kissed me on the lips, forcefully and pulled me into him.

"How was your day at work?" I asked while leaning on his chest.

"Great, made a few sales but I missed my queen, princess and three little princes" I smiled and walked to the living room.

"Hey bro! How's college going?" Trey automatically interacted with Jax, the kids too focused on the film to notice their own father.

"Good actually, our team has been winning untold amounts of games! How's work?" Trey sat down next to him, JJ flickered his eyes from the Tv to his dad and moved but quickly focused back on the movie. He sat on Trey's lap with his thumb in his mouth. I quickly took another picture of the 6 of them on the same sofa, I may or not be an Instagram spammer and photo hoarder. What can I say? You always need memories.

A cough came from the background and a deep voice appeared.

"Did any of you miss me?" I turned around to see Jason smirking with his arms open. I ran full force into his chest.

"JASE! I've missed you!" he hugged me tight.

"I've missed you too" he let me go and sat on the sofa right in between Jax and Trey, picking up Arya and giving her a hug.

"JASE!" all four kids screamed at the same time making everybody wince at the high pitch. I can't resist, I quickly took another picture and posted it on Instagram with a caption of "my family".

I am due to go and visit my brothers because we did move out when the kids turned one due to over crowding, we currently live in a small mansion a couple minutes away from the old house. It's pretty cosy here. Everybody is doing well, it's great.

Alex came walking down the stairs with a pout on her face. She's five now and she also lives with us.

"Trey!" she ran and jumped onto the sofa and cuddled up to her brother. Yeah, after a year long battle, Trey finally got his little sister back, it was an amazing day when social services told us that he could have her back.

This house is extremely hectic. If it's a break during Jax and Jase's college days, then wow. Then if Trey is on a break from work and the kids are all off from school, this house is the most active house you will come across. Jase and Jax stay for the holidays, then there are five kids at the ages of 5 and under here and then another two adults. Well 18 is a young adult but still a teenager, twenty is a proper adult but 18 is still classes as an adults.

"What's for dinner?" asked Jason, cheeky fucker.

"Order pizza and i'll make the kids food" he nodded, taking out his phone. This is my life now.

I have four beautiful kids, an amazing boyfriend, my two best friends and my family a few minuted away. I can't believe i've already gotten a family, it was always a dream of mine to have children and everybody always told me 'you'll change your mind when you actually have one, trust me!' but i've never changed my mind. When I found out I was pregnant, of course I was scared and shocked, I was 16 and pregnant with what I thought what triplets but ended up as quadruplets!

A baby is never a mistake, never. Kids are always a blessing, even if they were not planned, a child will never ever be a mistake, that's a dreadful thing to say to be honest. If you're pregnant, it's scary but you should be grateful that you're brining life into this huge world, your own flesh and blood, your mini you, it's fucking amazing.

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