Oh No.

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Trey's P.O.V

Riley has been moving around more than usual in her sleep this past week and it's really weird. She wakes me up while she tries to get comfortable. It is 10am so I may as well just stay awake.

Riley's eyes opened as she screwed her face up and groaned. That was slightly cute if I do say so myself.

"What's wrong?" I asked as she just turned around and put her head face down in the pillow.

"My head hurts and so do my boobs, my stomach is slightly cramping too, I am probably going to come on my period tomorrow or something" girl problems, nice.

"Do you want me to get you anything?"

"A dick, make me a boy" I let out a small laugh and stood up.

"Erm can you get me a damp cold towel please?" I mumbled a yes and went to get one.

Jayden's P.O.V

"CASEY! GET THE DAMN DOOR, IT'S MUM!" Screamed Kayden from another room, we literally have an intercom but nobody uses it. 

"OKAY YOU LAZY CHILD" I held back my laugh because Kayden is literally younger than Casey but whatever.

I heard loads of footsteps running down the hallway. I did miss the extra noise.

"JAYYY" Screamed Cameron as he jumped onto me. I lifted him up as he smiled.

"Heyyy, i've missed you" Morgan quickly jumped on me too. This is an invasion of small children. Sometimes I do love having loads of younger siblings but it is a big deal having loads of little ones and then teenage ones, it's a nightmare. This house is just constantly full of noise but it is fun unless you have a headache.

"JAYDEN! CASEY WON'T GIVE ME THE FUCKING CONTROLLER" Shouted a muffled voice from the games room. Why can these kids never sort things out for themselves?

"MIND YOUR LANGUAGE! THE KIDS ARE HOME" I shouted back while walking to the room with Cameron on my back and Morgan in my arms. These kids are getting way too heavy.

"JUSTINNNNNN" Screamed Morgan as he wriggled out of my arms. Okay so I was in a completely different room but the second oldest is in the room with them, yet I get called?

"Kayden, Casey will give you the controller if you stop jumping on him," Kayden quickly sat down next to him, " and Casey, give him the controller" Casey rolled his eyes but handed him the controller.

Chase and Mason came running into the games room with Riley walking behind them with a glum look on her face. Jake was holding Connor as he came in.

"Hello fellow siblings" said blake with a contagious devious laugh. That boy is something special i'm telling ya.

"Hey you particular pickle" smiled Jake while messing up Blake's hair as he walked past and took a seat next to him. Why? A particular pickle? What is wrong with these people.

"Particular pickle?" said Kane while letting out an obnoxious laugh. I couldn't help but laugh, Kane's laugh is like a less weirder version of Blake's.

"What you laughing at?" questioned Kane.


"Fuck you" he said while putting his attention back on the screen.

"Language Mr, there are kids in here" he shrugged.

"Fuck, fuck, fuckkkkkkk" sung Chase. My eyes nearly popped out my head, he's 5 and he probably knows all of the possible swear words.

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