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Riley's P.O.V

Can you fly while being pregnant? Because I really want to go back to my old house to visit my friend. I was hardly ever in school but she's the only person I ever trusted. Actually, we kind of have neighbours, I don't even know them? Wow, i'm a terrible person. I should visit them.

I quickly climbed out of bed and walked down the stairs. I went to open the front door before an arm stopped me.

"Riley where are you going?" asked Casey.

"To visit the neighbours! They do not know who I am and I don't want them to know me as the knocked up 16 year old who live with the rich family. I need to know them. I also need to fly to London! I need to visit my best friend, yeah that's what I need to do. Actually I also should go shopping, can I borrow your credit card? Actually no, I have my own! Yeah i'm going to visit the neighbours, go shopping for baby things and take a trip to London! I can do that right now and that's what I should do. Do you want to come with me?" Casey looked overwhelmed as I rambled with my thoughts. Thoughts are weird things if you think about it. Like why am I even thinking about thinking? Is that normal? No, of course it's not normal for me to be arguing with myself, that's borderline crazy? Should I get that checked out?

"RILEY!" Shouted Casey while holding my arm.

"You are not going anywhere right now. You can fly to London before you have your cut off date to fly because you are pregnant with triplets but you're not going alone. The neighbours can wait, they literally go to our school, none of us boys get along with them though but that's a story for a different time. Riley you're in shorts and a tank top, you'll freeze if you go outside. It's also 5am. Come on, lets get you back upstairs to bed okay?" I nodded and let him guide me back upstairs.

"There is no point of going back to sleep because we have school but you could if you wanted to?" he asked.

"SCHOOL! School, everybody is going to see my baby bump because i'm 19 weeks pregnant with triplets! That is obvious. See, look i'm huge!" I pointed to my stomach as he told me to be quiet.

"Well if they bother you, send them our way?" I nodded again.

"But what if people call me names? I still need to know the neighbours! Why can't I go and get to know the neighbours!" he guided me into my room and shook awake Trey. I walked to the mirror and had a daily look of my stomach.

Casey's P.O.V

What is happening? She won't shut up, she's literally just ranting about everything possible.

"Riley tried to visit the neighbours at 5am. I brung her up to you so just keep an eye on her please. She seems a bit off so just stay with her the whole day? Switch your classes or something, just for today. She needs looking after, I think she's having a mini little breakdown" he looked slightly shocked to see me in his room at 5am, but he took all the information in and got up out of bed.

"So she needs monitoring?" I nodded.

"Yeah, she's obviously pregnant so if this whole situation gets really bad then call one of us yeah? We'll send her to Jayden and book her in for a session of help because this can not get out of control. You understand?" he nodded while stretching.

"Alright but I think you forgot I don't actually go to school? You keep an eye on her while I have a quick shower, i'll be about 10 minutes" he jogged to the bathroom and shut the door.

"Riley come sit here" she walked over to the bed while holding her stomach. She smoothened out the sheets and then gently sat down.

"Case! Look at my stomach, I love it! It's getting to big, there are three lives in there! Casey you're going to be an uncle! Are you disappointed in me, because if you are i'm sorry but I don't care because i'm going to be a Mom! Me, Riley Johnson as a Mom! Oo, what last name will they have? We don't even have names yet! Or anything, or a nursery? What if they come early and we're not prepared. Well i'm never going to prepared because nobody could be prepared for three babies at once, that is a shock and would be to anybody in the world. That's like miracle worthy. Like I should get put on the news! Riley Johnson, had her first time at 16 and got pregnant with triplets. What if they got it wrong and there are quintuplets! Or quadruplets? I think I should go back for another scan just incase. The names! Baby names, I have a few in mind but I don't know if Trey will like them. CASEY ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING!?" she shouted directly in my ear drum. Well ouch.

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