Just The Begininng.

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Lisa's P.O.V

"you will be allowed to visit her in foster care until further notice" and with that my heart sank. Trey burst out into tears while Jayden comforted him.

"THIS IS NOT FAIR! YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME! I JUST WANT MY LITTLE S-SISTER B-b-backk-k" and he cried, Trey sobbed into Jayden's arms.

"Judge please! Please let me take her home with me today, she needs a caring family! Not a random family who she don't even know" the Judge gave me a guilty look.

"I am sorry, I do know you want to take her home but I have to go along with court orders and rules. Technically Alexis and Trey's parents have not agreed to this. We have taken in what you all have said to us today and there will be another court case in a few months or more so we can go over this case again. We will have to do a court case with their parents first to get to know the situation more then we will all re-gather to make a finalised decision" said the Judge. Trey's cries echoed through the room. This is heartbreaking.

"So Trey can have regular visits to see his sister? Then in a few months there will be another court case to see if I can actually get custody of her?" I asked while Trey was still crying, that boy really does adore his little sister.

"Yes that's right, now I will send a visiting order in the post. You can fill it out, I will send it to the family and then I will get information about a regular schedule for Trey to see her okay? That is all I can do for now, i'm sorry. Goodbye" I nodded and thanked the Judge as I guided Jayden and Trey out of the huge room. Ethan and Cole were waiting outside in the hallway.

"Trey! Look, this is better than we started with okay! This may just be the beginning but eventually there could be something better. This is a difficult case, you just have to be patient" he nodded while walking to the car.

"Jayden, Can you keep an eye on him in these few months for me please."

"Yeah, of course I will" he smiled as we all got into the car.


Riley's P.O.V

A house full of people. I can't wait till the others get back. Kieran, Justin, Cody, Casey, Jake, Cayden, Blake, Kane, Cameron, Morgan, Mason, Oliver, Chase, Connor and I all in the same room. We are all sitting in the games room. This room is definitely the best in the house.

"Aw come on Kane, give Blake a go" said Justin. Kane just focused on the game, not even acknowledging what Justin was saying to him. Shit's going to get real real damn fast.

I have been banned of any physical activity with the older ones, and i'm not even allowed to play football with the younger ones.

"BLAKE!" I looked up to see Blake hanging into Kane's back. Kane is not small but he's the same height as Blake. Kane dropped the controlled and flung Blake onto the floor. He sat on him, they were wrestling and shouting at each other, this is so amusing when you're not actually involved.

Jake was recording it as Justin and Kieran were not even helping, just sitting there amused at what's happening. With these situations you never know when one of them are actually mad unless you're a certain person. Cole, Blake and I all have anger problems, I really don't know how Blake managed to be like us but it happened. Blake's eyes slightly changed colour to a different shade and that's when you know when to pull them apart.

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