Hello, I'm Riley.

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Riley's P.O.V

3 hours! We have been in this police station for three hours waiting for a friend of the family. I don't even know this women who is going to let Ollie and I stay with her... What if she is mean!?

The door creaked open. "Riley, this is Lisa Johnson, the women who will be taking care of you from now on" said the police officer.

"Hello, I'm Lisa, nice to meet you darling, and hello to you little man" Ollie hid his face in my shirt as I smiled at the women who was taking me in.

"I'm Riley, where do you live?" Please be around the corner from me or something.

"About that... I live in America, I was lucky to pick you both up now because I was on a small trip to visit a friend!" AMERICA! I HAVE TO MOVE TO AMERICA?! It is lucky I don't not have many friends around here or I would be in a state right now.

"Thank you for taking us in, I am glad somebody cares" I sighed. If mum and dad did not just run away then this would not have happened!

"It's alright, you're mum was a very close friend of mine, it's a pleasure to be looking after you both, I just need to sign a few papers to say i'm your legal guardians and we can go back to your house and start packing okay?" I nodded as she walked away. I guess this will be like starting all over again.

Lisa quickly hurried back to where we were and lead us home. I opened the door and Ollie ran inside to start packing. He is exited for our 'holiday'. Lisa started packing up the important things to send to her house for us like Ollie and I's clothes and memories while I packed a small suitcase for a week so there will be time for all of my other clothes to come. I quickly helped Ollie and we put our things into the taxi. Lisa sent our stuff away to be shipped to America. I said a last goodbye to the house as it started getting smaller and smaller as we drove away.

I wonder if I could get to know Lisa on the plane and if she has any kids herself. It's always just been the four of us, Ollie and I and mum and dad.


Airplanes. I hate them. They scare me! We are way too high in the air for my likings! Ollie fell asleep straight away and i'm glad because I need to get to know Lisa. We have both just been awkwardly sitting next to each other for quite a while now. 

"So... Tell me about yourself?" I said with a quick smile. Her face suddenly drained from emotion but quickly lit up again. Oh no, what is she going to tell me...

"Okay, I'm Lisa Johnson and my husband is called Lee Johnson, we have 7 kids, well 9 but two only live with us occasionally, they vary between their flat and our house" My face dropped. I think my jaw was going to fall off. 9 kids!? 9!

"And they are all boys" I think my eyes are going to fall out of my head. I will be living with another 7-9 boys!? That is a lot of people.

"Okay, I am a lawyer and part time fashion designer and my husband is teacher in a school that is not that far away from where we live" she smiled. I guess she is trying to make me forget about the 9 boys that I will now be living with.

'Please buckle in, we will be landing shortly" said the women through the intercom device. I guess we are nearly hear. I quickly woke up Ollie to buckle him in. He gave me the puppy dog tired eyes. I don't even know why he tried, he know's it does not work on me. He will probably go straight back to sleep when we get off of the plane.

I do not like landing. It hurts my ears. I hate it. AHHH MY EARS. Lisa gave me a weird look. It hurts okay! Don't judge me.

We got off of the plane and I picked up Ollie because Lisa tried but he is not quite use to her yet and he had a mini tantrum.

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