Drama In School.

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Riley's P.O.V

I'm currently 6 months pregnant. 24 weeks of carrying these three little monsters in my stomach. School has been hell, everyone calls me fat because everybody just assumes that i'm gaining wait, not that i'm pregnant. I think I am just going to have to show my school that i'm not fat, I have been wearing baggy jumpers for the whole of my pregnancy so far and i'm getting fed up of it.

I grabbed my books out of my locker. Jake is usually with me in this lesson but he's disappeared. I am wearing just a tight white vest and you can see my huge bump clearly. I held my book to my chest and walked down the halls. Everybody was staring at me, whispering. This is one of the times I want my brothers, right now would be amazing.

"Is the whore pregnant! Who would want to knock her up!?" laughed a bunch of girls.

"She's pregnant!?"

"Who's the dad?"

"How far gone is she?"

"Ew, she's extra ugly now!"

"Somebody should just punch her in the stomach and get rid of them kids, she is not going to be able to raise them! She's a stupid bitch!"

With that, I walked into my class as fast as I could, sat down at the back of the classroom and opened my book. It's period two and i'm already done with this stupid day.

"Okay class, today we will be learning about -" and I zoned out. 6 months, 3 months left and i'll officially be a Mom with three small children relying on me, me as in Riley Johnson, the 16 year old girl with a large family. They will probably come early because i'm young and pregnant with multiples. I can't actually remember when I am booked in for the surgery but it's pinned on the fridge at home.

I got snapped out of my thoughts, "RILEY! Oi fatty, even though you're pregnant you're still fat! That child will hate you and you're going to be a terrible Mom! Who would even want to knock you up, that's fucking disgusting! You're a disgrace to your family, you have made all of your brothers look bad!" I did not even look to see who said it, I stood up, grabbed my stuff and dashed out of the classroom. The hall. I am going to the hall.

I gently speed walked down the halls, pushed open the music hall's door. Tears were streaming down my face. I threw my bag on the floor and slumped down onto a chair. Of course they are right! Why the fuck have I been thinking that i'm actually going to be a good parent!?

I heard footsteps walking up to me and somebody took a seat and sat down.

"Hey sugarplum, why the waterworks?" I looked up to see Jax with a confused look on his face.

"P-people" he pulled me in for a hug and I cried. Why? I shouldn't be crying over stupid people. They obviously think I am going to be a terrible mother, these kids deserve so much better.

"What happened?" he questioned with his arm around my shoulder.

"They s-said i'm going to be a b-bad Mom" I sniffled and stopped letting the tears fall, no, i'm going to be a good Mom!

"What? No, Riley! You're going to be a wonderful Mom, them three little kids are going to adore you! If you go around taking in everybody's thoughts then it's going to destroy you, I have only known you for a few weeks well about five and I know you are going to have a perfect little family okay!?" he smiled and the bell went.

"It's break now Riley, come on, you can't let them get to you! In a few months you'll have three bouncing little babies and you have your boyfriend too, and what they have? Low grades and a failed future! You have people who care about you and they have fake friends" he stood up dragging me with him.

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