The Bumpy Ride.

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Riley's P.O.V

It's been over a month, I think it's been 2 since Jake and I's 16th. We have been 16 for two months! A whole two months and i'm still as immature as I was 3 years ago, I guess age don't change maturity.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

"It's me!" shouted Mom from the other side of the door.

"Come in."

Mom walked in with a bag in her hand and a worried expression on her face. She placed the bag on the floor and took a seat on my bed.

"Sweetheart, can we have a chat?" Them few words never end in good result, never.

"2 months ago... The party remember?" I nodded. Did I do something drunk that my brothers told our Mom about or?..

"You have been feeling a bit under the weather since the party, haven't you?" I nodded again, obviously confused to where this is going. She bent down and handed me the bag.

"Look in it" I opened the bag and pulled out something I never thought my own Mom would hand me.

"What! No!?" She sighed and put a hand on my shoulder.

"The truth please Riley, on the night of that party, did you or did you not have sex with Trey" my breath caught in my throat. The truth? Or not...

"I did."

"Go to the bathroom, and take them tests for me please" I picked them up and walked to the bathroom while Mom just sat on the bed. Not one bit of happiness in her eyes, just a few signs of confusion and hurt. I guess that's because Jake already has a kid right, she didn't think she would have to go over this situation with her 'perfect' only little girl. Probably didn't expect two of her 16 year old kids to possibly have kids of their own.

I did my business, and left the sticks on the side, there are 5, all different types.

"LEAVE THEM FOR 5 MINUTES RILES" I quickly texted Jake. A panic text so he'd get to my room quick. I need him with me. I walked out the bathroom as Jake burst in the door.

"RILEY! WHAT'S WRONG!? What's urgent? You look okay?" he raised and eyebrow and sat on my bed. There were three in a bed and the little one said roll over... Okay off track.

"I just took a pregnancy test" and with that he got up and went to storm out the room to find Trey.

"No! I need you with me when I read the tests" he sighed and sat back down.

"Mom... Can you read them please?" she stood up and walked to the bathroom as I grabbed Jake's hand. I'm 16, this should not even be happening.

Mom walked in, her blank face still present. She walked up to me and showed me the tests.

"Positive.. All 5" and with that I broke down as Jake pulled me into his arms.

"Nononononono, no. I'm too young, this can't be hap-p-pening. I can't have a child, I can't. No, Trey? Trey leaves soon to go back to France! I can't do this! Jake I can't fucking do this. J-J" and with that I just cried. The door closed, Mom probably left in disappointment. What the fuck have I done. What do I tell Trey? Do I even tell him? He has his little sister to worry about, he don't need to worry about this. I could just abort it right? No, I can't fucking do that. That's a horrible thing to do.

"Hey Riley, it's okay! Shhh" Jake said while he tried to calm me down.

"B-but I don't know what t-to do" I tried to stop crying but the tears just did not stop. Jake let go of me as I just looked down. Why? We were fucking safe, why the fuck am I going to be a mother? I'm too young!

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