Chapter Two - Used as a Pawn

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Indeed, when word spread that the emperor had chosen Yang Cairen to serve him, everyone was surprised.

In the Cining Palace, the empress dowager's expression was sour. "What is the emperor thinking? Su Yu is his own cousin, and he completely disregards that, letting the Cian Palace laugh at me!"

Chen Baolin, whose personal name was Su Yu, was just fifteen and had been handpicked by the empress dowager from her maternal family. Su Yu being slighted by Emperor Ning Chen naturally displeased her.

"Please calm down, Your Majesty. It's not like the Cian Palace's plans went smoothly either. I heard that Yao Baolin is quite the beauty, and even she didn't catch the emperor's eye."

The senior maid, Fu Mama, quickly soothed her. "Perhaps it's because Yang Cairen's rank is too low, and this was merely to compensate for that. After all, she's the empress's family, and the emperor couldn't completely disregard her. Su Yu is still highly favored, with Your Majesty's support. There's no need to rush."

These words managed to placate the empress dowager somewhat, though she was still displeased.

She removed a jade bracelet from her wrist and handed it over. "Go to Su Yu and give this to her. I, as her aunt, haven't forgotten her. Tell her to be patient and not be anxious."

Fu Mama thought this gesture might provoke the emperor, as it could be seen as the empress dowager showing her displeasure over the emperor's choice.

But the empress dowager's will was clear, so the bracelet was delivered. Fortunately, Su Yu was understanding and calm, which reassured Fu Mama somewhat.

The following day during morning greetings.

There were no more newcomers today, only Yang Cairen, who had spent the night with the emperor, was present.

Everyone sat in the Fengxi Palace, barely containing their desire to tear her apart. No one welcomed competition for the emperor's favor.

"Look at how lovely she is, no wonder the emperor picked her first. She's truly outshining all of us here. Being the empress's cousin, her beauty is naturally exceptional."

The one who spoke first was Imperial Concubine Shu, Lady Yan.

She had a one-year-old daughter, the eldest princess, currently the only child in the palace, and she ranked second only to the empress.

However, her comment was filled with double meanings, implying that Yang Cairen was even overshadowing the empress, which was sure to cause discord.

Yang Cairen, frightened, quickly knelt down. "Your Highness, I am unworthy of such praise. I am overwhelmed with fear!"

This display only made the empress more displeased.

As the empress's cousin, Yang Cairen's actions reflected on the empress, and her fearfulness had just undermined her cousin's status.

Looking at the scene, the empress wished she could send Yang Cairen back to her family and bring in someone more competent. What a waste of beauty, so utterly useless.

"Oh, sister, please rise quickly. Imperial Concubine Shu was only teasing. You kneeling like this might make people think she was bullying you. Our empress is known for her kindness and wouldn't want to see us kneeling unnecessarily."

Noble Lady Zhao, who aligned herself with the empress, quickly intervened.

She subtly accused Imperial Concubine Shu of bullying Yang Cairen, while also praising the empress's kindness, improving the empress's mood.

"That's enough. Get up now. Imperial Concubine Shu is just like that—sharp-tongued but harmless. You did well last night, and I have some rewards for you to take back later."

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