Reading together.

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She's more prone to the edgy books or the technical books. She'll even reference some weird gothy book for you if you want. 

She personally thinks the idea of reading together as sort of awkward. You have no idea when one of you are finished reading the page, and then you're just kind of sitting there in silence, unsure if one of you are finished reading the page!

...Just me? Okay.

More over, she also likes technical books, specifically to reference to where she built her railgun. Or when she was trying to fix up the space ship to go to a now broken earth.



He likes reading! 

He typically enjoys going out to a library to just browse books that he or you two can read together. He typically likes a specific one about a golden retriever book. 

Reading together for him isn't really awkward. If anything, he's most likely the one holding the book when you two are reading. He reads out loud, mostly to himself and sometimes forgets that you're even there. He jumpscares himself sometimes when he notices a weight on his shoulder just to see you there following along with him.

He'll also maybe enjoy reading whatever books you pick out! Just so long as it doesn't involve anything... eldritchy.



Most likely fell asleep on you while you were reading. 

She likes reading on occasion, mostly to herself. She typically does it privately, considering that she was putting up a facade in the first like, 7 episodes of the show and tries to keep that facade. But if she figures out you like reading too, she'll probably read along with you. 

Going back on that falling asleep thing, she only really does it when she feels safe, so when it's just you two and nobody else, she most likely fell asleep watching you read.



"You can read a book about how stars are made, but you can't read a fucking user manual?"

"Well sorry that I find science more interesting then working."

She's kind of against it. She much more prefers to just get stuff done rather than just sitting around and doing effectively nothing. You would most likely have to pry her away from whatever she's doing in order to get her to read with you. She'll reluctantly and begrudgingly do it just to get you to stop pestering her.

Turns out, it interested her too. 

Now you two have designated breaktimes specifically just for reading, since neither of you can really... eat.



 I really hope you like reading about torture methods! 

Yeah, more than likely he isn't going to be too kind towards you any other time when it isn't reading to himself or to you. So the times where you do read is typically the only peaceful times you'll get with him.

He'll be extremely diverse with what he reads, going from history, to science, to math for some reason, to literally the most random bullshit.

Still going off my AU btw, not going to write for canon Thad, as silly as he is. Edginess for the win babyyyyyyyyy


I've been having more fun with writing oneshots, but here's a scenario.

Murder drones x Reader Scenarios/Oneshots/HeadcanonsWhere stories live. Discover now