Chapter 29

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What were you thinking, RekhaJi? Atul Sharma said as he walked through the door, his voice filled with concern. You shouldn't have reacted like that.

Atul Sharma rushed home when he received a frightened call from his wife that their youngest daughter found the adoption papers and came to know that Piya is not her own sister. He didn't like after knowing that his wife slapped their daughter.

Rekha crossed her arms, defensively, That girl has become disrespectful! She doesn't know how to talk to her mother!

Rekha Sharma didn't like when Siya said that Piya is not her own daughter. As a mother she didn't give anyone the right to question about her children. Piya is and will always be her daughter just like Siya. It does not matter if she gave birth or not.

Siya was just upset. We need to handle this with care, not anger. She needs to feel secure and loved, Atul replied, while trying to maintain his calm.

Rekha's eyes flashed with frustration. What do you mean? Do you think I don't love Siya?

Atul Sharma chose not to answer, sensing the tension in the air. Instead, he decided to speak with Siya first, hoping to soothe her troubled heart.

Siya, beta, please open the door. Your Papa wants to talk to you, he called softly.

After a moment, he heard a muffled voice from the other side. Are you angry at me too?

Of course not! I brought your favorite dessert—blueberry cheesecake! Please, let me in child, he says in a sad and hopeful voice. 

Siya was crying in her room but when she heard her father's voice, a hope rose in her heart that everything would be fine. Her father will understand her views and give the hidden past answers. 

The door creaked open, and Siya's tear-streaked face looked up at her father, No one loves me, Papa.

Don't say that, I love you so much. I'll talk to your mother about what happened, her father said while taking her in a hug.

No, you also love Piya Di only and your wife hates me, Siya complained like a baby to her father.

Awwww, my bacha (child) doesn't cry. No one hates you, Atul Sharma consoled his daughter.

Isn't it true that Mummy doesn't like me?  Siya asked, her voice barely a whisper.

No, sweetheart. Your mother is just scared and upset. She loves you, just like I do. You are our precious daughter.

Siya sniffled, her eyes searching his. Her father words makes her feel better and reduces the rising bitterness in her heart but still she wants to know what exactly happened in the past.

But how did it happen, Papa?

Atul sighed, remembering the weight of his family secrets, which is complicated and sad.

I grew up in a joint family with my parents and my two elder brothers. The eldest brother was my parents favorite as he was the most obedient child among the three of us. I was the rebel one because I married your mother against my parents wishes. They never liked your mother and always taunted her with one thing or the other as she came from less wealthy background.

After the marriage, I was still living with my family with the hope that things will turn out fine in future. One night, I was coming back home and due to the rain, the path was not clear. Accidentally my car hit the bike and the couple who were on the bike fell at a far place. I immediately rushed to help the people but what I saw shocked me to the core because it was my eldest brother and his wife.  They went for a checkup as my sister-in-law was not well.

I couldn't believe that I hit them but on hearing my brother whimpering in pain, I came out of the shock and immediately went to him

Brother, wake up, please. I'm sorry

Shhh A..tull

I'm calling the ambulance, Brother. Nothing will happen to you both ca...ree of P...iy..a

Bhai, we will both take care of her. You don't worry. Ambulance is coming.

By the time we reached the hospital, they both were dead. I was heart-broken for causing that accident. My mother blamed me for the death of her eldest son.

You killed my child, she slapped me in the hospital after finding that I did the accident.

Maa, I tried to explain to her

Shut up, don't call me mother. 

I was unable to bear that pain and blame so I decided to end my life but one small hand held my finger and stopped me before I go and do anything unforgivable.

That small hand is of Piya's. She was standing in the hospital and trying to understand what was happening. She is only uttering one word, Pa ... pa, calling for my eldest brother.

You are a monster and curse to my family just like this girl 

Maa never liked Piya because she is a girl. She wanted a grandson but her eldest grandchild turned out to be a granddaughter which she didn't accept well. She couldn't openly show her hate towards Piya because my eldest brother loved his daughter a lot. After their death, she started calling Piya a curse for killing her own parents.

What? How could she? That was an accident and you didn't intentionally kill the Uncle & Aunt. That's so unfair! Siya exclaimed. Di was just a little girl. How could she blame her?

I know, but in her eyes, I took the life of her child...

Papa, Siya sees the sadness and pain in her father's eyes for losing his brother.

I'm sorry to hear about all of this, Papa. It sounds really painful.

Atul took a deep breath and patted her hair. Let's go and talk to your mother together.

They walked into the living room, where Rekha sat, looking weary. Rekha, we need to talk, Atul began, his voice steady. Rekha looked up, her face softening at the sight of her daughter.

Siya has some feelings which she wants to share, and I want us to listen.

Siya took a deep breath, feeling the weight of their gazes. Mummy, I love you, but I feel lost. It hurts to think you don't care about me as much as you do for Di.

Rekha's eyes filled with tears. Oh, Siya. I never meant for you to feel that way. You are my daughter, and that will never change.

Then why did you slap me? Siya asked, her voice wavering.

I was angry and scared, Rekha admitted, her voice breaking. I'm so sorry, my love. 

Atul stepped forward. We're in this together. We need to build a new understanding. Piya is part of our family, but so are you, Siya.

Yes, Rekha said, nodding fervently.

And in that moment, the heavy cloud of misunderstanding began to lift, leaving room for healing and love to grow anew.

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