Chapter 34 - Lacerations on My Heart

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Are you with me after all?
Why can't I hear you?
Are you with me through it all?
Then why can't I feel you?

Ashes of Eden

-Breaking Benjamin


Juliette POV

"Doesn't look so tough now..."

Coarse voices swirl in pitch-black darkness. 

There are two men. I can hear them but I cannot see them. Their voices sound familiar...

A cold hand grips my hip, rough calloused fingers vandalizing my skin.

"Suppose we take our time getting her back to him...."

I can't move my arms. 

I can't move my legs. 

I can't scream. 

I can't breathe.


"Where's your bedroom...dollface?"

I know that voice. 


A flash of light fills the void, prompting me to squeeze my eyes shut.

When they open, I find myself in an expansive, sprawling cave system. I know it, though it is a place I have not seen in eight long years. A sinking feeling in my stomach tells me that I have been here more recently, but I cannot quite place when or how.  

I scan the cavern, hoping to ascertain why I am here.


An orb of Ancient Magic churns violently at the center of the cavern. It resembles my magic but it is darker, more aggressive. It appears unstable, bolts of magic shooting like lightening it in all directions. With no repository to contain it, it is likely to collapse or explode any moment. 

The figure that lead me here is already beneath the sphere, hurling spells at it in an attempt to contain it, or perhaps to destroy it. 

I don't remember following him down here...

Too curious to be confused, I sprint across the stone bridge, desperate to reach the hooded figure. 

My senses are quickly overwhelmed by the high-pitched ringing emitting from the sphere and the sheer brightness of it. It is like staring into the sun, except the sun is also shrieking like a banshee. 

I finally join the man at his side. He spares a glance over his shoulder at me and I see his face for the first time beneath the hood.


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