Chapter 1

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It's bright outside as the birds are singing, New York City is bustling with cars and traffic and millions of people. I wake up every day and love it. I step out of bed, stretching and yawning as I make my way toward the kitchen in my apartment. I'm very tired, and the only thing I need right now is coffee and donuts.

As I brew the coffee, the aroma fills my tiny kitchen, a comforting reminder that the chaos of the city can be beautiful, too. I pour myself a steaming cup and grab my favorite mug—one with a chipped edge that reads, "Caffeine and Kindness." After taking a sip, I glance out the window. The streets are alive, and a part of me wishes I could dive into the energy of it all.

But first, donuts. I pull on a pair of sneakers, my mind already drifting to the local bakery down the street. It's not just the pastries that draw me in; it's Colin. With his broad shoulders and those striking green eyes, he's a distraction I didn't know I needed. I try to shake off the flutter of excitement in my stomach. I mean, it's just a bakery, right?

I step outside, letting the brisk morning air invigorate me. The sidewalks are packed, and the sound of honking horns and chatter wraps around me like a familiar blanket. I navigate through the throngs of people, my heart racing a little faster with each step I take toward the bakery. I can't help but replay our last encounter in my mind—the way he smiled when he handed me my coffee and the way my heart skipped a beat when he complimented my nails.

As I push open the bakery door, the warm, sweet scent envelops me, and I instantly feel at home. There he is, behind the counter, effortlessly charming as he serves a couple of regulars. I take a moment to gather my thoughts, a twinge of nervousness creeping in. What will I say this time? Do I even have a plan?

"Hey, Adrienne!" Colin calls, his voice cutting through my thoughts like a warm knife through butter. "What can I get for you today?"

I feel my cheeks heat up as I approach the counter, a smile creeping onto my face. "Just the usual—two blueberry muffins, please."

As he reaches for the muffins, I can't help but admire how he moves with confidence, the way he interacts with customers effortlessly. He turns back to me, his eyes locking onto mine with an intensity that sends my heart racing.

"I really like your nails," he says, his gaze flickering to my hands resting on the counter. "Is that maroon?"

"Yeah, thanks! I wanted something bold today," I reply, trying to keep my tone casual, but my pulse quickens at the thought of how I wish he would see those nails in a different context.

He hands me the muffins, and I can't resist a playful comment. "They'd look even better on your—" I catch myself, realizing where my mind was headed.

He raises an eyebrow, a smirk forming on his lips. "On my what?"

My heart races as I try to compose myself. "Uh, nothing. Just... thank you, Colin."

Just then, I hear a voice call from behind me. "Adrienne!"

I turn, my heart pounding. It's Colin again, this time with his phone in hand. "Can we exchange numbers? I'd like to get to know you better."

Wow. My breath catches in my throat as I take his phone, a grin spreading across my face. "Sure!"

As I type my number into Colin's phone, my fingers tremble slightly, a mix of excitement and nerves. I hand it back to him, trying to suppress the smile threatening to break free. "There you go," I say, my voice more confident than I feel.

He takes a moment to look at my phone, then meets my gaze again, his expression softening. "I'll text you later," he promises, and just like that, my heart does a little leap.

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