Chapter 29

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I was jolted back to the present when I felt a gentle tap on my hand. Startled, I looked up to see Adrienne's concerned expression, her brow furrowed with worry. "Colin? Are you okay?"

I blinked, shaking off the remnants of the flashback that still lingered in my mind. "Yeah, I'm fine," I said, though I knew the edge in my voice betrayed my true feelings.

She studied me, her green eyes piercing through the facade I was trying to maintain. "You were really quiet for a while. What were you thinking about?"

I hesitated, weighing my options. I didn't want to burden her with the painful memories of Emily, especially when I was still trying to navigate my feelings for Adrienne. But I also knew that honesty was essential between us, especially after our earlier conversation.

"Just... thinking about some stuff from my past," I admitted. "Nothing too important."

Her expression softened, but I could still see the concern lurking beneath the surface. "You know you can talk to me, right? Whatever it is, I'm here."

I appreciated her support, but I felt a pang of guilt. "It's complicated," I said, my voice barely above a whisper. "It's about Emily."

The name hung in the air like a dark cloud, and I watched as Adrienne's demeanor shifted slightly. "What about her?"

I took a deep breath, my heart racing. "I just had a flashback of the last time we were together. It didn't end well, and I'm worried about what this could mean for us."

Adrienne nodded, her lips pressed into a thin line. "It's okay to have those memories, Colin. But you need to focus on us now. We're building something together."

"I know," I replied, a mix of hope and fear coursing through me. "But the past has a way of creeping back in, and I don't want to drag you into my mess."

She reached out, her fingers intertwining with mine. The warmth of her touch calmed my racing heart. "You're not dragging me into anything. We're in this together. Just promise me you'll be honest about how you're feeling."

I looked into her eyes, finding the strength I needed. "I promise. I want to be open with you, even when it's hard."

Her gaze softened, and for a moment, the tension between us eased. "Good. Now, let's talk about something else. I want to hear about your bakery plans for the week."

A small smile crept onto my face, grateful for the change of subject. "Well, I was thinking of trying out a new recipe for pumpkin spice muffins. It's that time of year!"

Adrienne grinned, her eyes lighting up. "I love pumpkin spice! You have to save some for me."

"Deal," I said, feeling the weight of my worries lift just a little. We spent the next few moments talking about baked goods and our plans for the weekend, the warmth of her presence wrapping around me like a comforting blanket.

But in the back of my mind, the reality of Emily lingered, a constant reminder of the choices I had to face. I knew I needed to confront my feelings soon, but for now, I focused on Adrienne and the hope she brought into my life.

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