Chapter 17

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The sun dipped lower in the sky, casting a golden hue over the rooftop bar we had chosen to watch the sunset. I sat across from Adrienne, our drinks in front of us, laughter spilling effortlessly between us as we recounted the day's adventures. It felt so easy to be with her, so right.

Yet beneath my smile lay a tension that I couldn't shake. I had a secret-one that gnawed at me as I watched her animated expressions, the way her eyes sparkled with joy. I wanted nothing more than to share my life with her, but there was a part of my past that I had buried deep, a part that made me hesitate to fully open up.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in brilliant shades of orange and pink, I found myself lost in thought. Adrienne looked beautiful in the fading light, her hair catching the soft breeze. She laughed at something I'd said, but I barely registered it; my mind was racing, my heart pounding with anxiety.

"What's on your mind?" she asked, her voice gentle, pulling me back to the present.

I took a sip of my drink, stalling. "Just thinking about how nice today has been," I replied, trying to keep my tone light.

She tilted her head, clearly not convinced. "I can tell there's something else. You seem a little... distracted."

I couldn't meet her gaze. The truth was, I had been keeping my past from her. After my parents' divorce, I had built walls around my heart, swearing to protect myself from pain. My past relationships had been marred by betrayal and heartbreak, and I didn't want to drag her into that mess.

"Honestly, it's nothing," I said, forcing a smile. But deep down, I felt the weight of my secret bearing down on me.

As the evening wore on, the bar filled with more people, and the atmosphere turned electric. Adrienne seemed to be in her element, laughing and chatting with strangers, and I couldn't help but admire her carefree spirit. I wanted to dive into that world with her, to be part of her laughter and light.

But then, the memories crept in-my father's infidelity, the bitter arguments that tore my family apart, the way my mother had retreated into herself, leaving me to pick up the pieces. I had vowed never to allow anyone to hurt me like that again, and yet here I was, falling for someone who could easily break my heart.

"Hey," Adrienne said, reaching across the table to place her hand on mine, jolting me from my thoughts. "Talk to me. I'm here for you."

Her warmth sent a shiver down my spine. I wanted to be honest with her, to let her in, but the fear gripped me tighter. I didn't want to burden her with my past.

"I appreciate that," I replied softly, glancing at our hands intertwined. "I just have some things I need to sort out in my head."

"Colin," she said, her tone serious, "I'm not going anywhere. You can talk to me about anything."

Her words wrapped around my heart like a lifeline, and for a brief moment, I considered sharing my truth. But just as quickly, the walls went up again. "It's complicated," I said, withdrawing slightly.

She nodded, her expression shifting to one of understanding mixed with concern. "Okay, I get that. But you don't have to handle everything alone. Just know that I'm here if you need me."

I swallowed hard, the lump in my throat threatening to choke me. I wanted to tell her everything, to share my fears and doubts. But I couldn't bring myself to do it.

The night wore on, and as the stars began to twinkle overhead, I found solace in Adrienne's laughter. Yet my heart remained heavy with the knowledge that I was holding back, that I wasn't being fully transparent with her.

As we left the bar, walking side by side under the city lights, I felt the weight of my secret looming over us. I wanted nothing more than to be the man she deserved, to embrace her fully without the shadow of my past looming overhead.

But could I really let her in? Could I risk everything for a chance at happiness?

"Colin," she said, breaking through my thoughts as we reached her apartment building. "Promise me you'll think about what I said. I want to help you. I care about you."

"I will," I replied, my voice barely above a whisper.

As she turned to go inside, I felt a pang of longing. I watched her walk away, my heart aching with the knowledge that I was keeping her at arm's length. The night had been beautiful, but the reality of my situation weighed heavily on me.

As I walked back to my car, the city buzzed around me, but I felt utterly alone. I wanted to be with her, but I knew that until I confronted my past, I would always be a step behind, hidden in the shadows of my own fears.

Tomorrow, I promised myself. Tomorrow, I would figure it out.

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