Chapter 3

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As the evening unfolded, the pizzeria buzzed around us, laughter and conversation weaving a lively backdrop to our own exchange. Each bite of pizza tasted better than the last, enhanced by the thrill of being with Colin. He leaned in closer, animatedly recounting a funny story about a mishap at work, his green eyes sparkling with mischief.

"...and that's when I accidentally set off the fire alarm while trying to impress a customer with my 'chef skills'!" He laughed, shaking his head. "Let's just say the muffins weren't the only thing that got burned that day."

I burst into laughter, imagining him flustered behind the counter, trying to salvage the situation. "I bet your customers loved the show!" I replied, wiping a tear from the corner of my eye.

"Yeah, the crowd was definitely entertained. But I think they preferred my muffins to the fire drill," he joked, taking a sip of his drink.

As the conversation flowed effortlessly, I felt a warmth spreading in my chest. It was more than just attraction; it was the ease between us that felt so rare. I had anticipated some nerves, but with Colin, I felt completely at ease.

After finishing our pizza, we decided to share a dessert—because what's a date without something sweet? As we browsed the dessert menu, my mind flickered back to the bakery, and I felt a playful urge to tease him.

"Do you think you can top the pastries at your bakery?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

Colin smirked, leaning back in his chair with a look of mock seriousness. "I'm glad you asked. Our tiramisu is legendary. I may even offer you a complimentary muffin if you're brave enough to taste it."

"Challenge accepted!" I shot back, grinning.

When the server brought out a rich, decadent chocolate lava cake, I couldn't help but lean forward, anticipation building. "This looks amazing," I said, grabbing my fork.

Colin watched me, a playful glint in his eye. "You know, they say sharing dessert is an intimate experience."

"Is that so?" I replied, feigning innocence. "What does that say about our chemistry, then?"

He chuckled, a low, smooth sound that sent a delightful shiver down my spine. "I'd say we have pretty good chemistry."

We dug into the dessert, and with each bite, I found myself enjoying the rich chocolate flavor while stealing glances at him. There was something magnetic about the way he smiled, the way his laughter seemed to fill the room. I felt like I could lose track of time in this moment, absorbed in the sweet connection we were building.

After finishing the last bites of our dessert, Colin suggested we take a walk. "I know a great spot nearby where we can overlook the city," he said, his enthusiasm contagious.

As we stepped outside, the cool evening air brushed against my skin, refreshing yet comforting. The city lights twinkled like stars, illuminating the streets with a vibrant glow. I fell into step beside him, our shoulders brushing again, the warmth between us palpable.

"Isn't the city beautiful at night?" he asked, glancing sideways at me.

"It really is," I replied, taking in the view. "It feels alive, doesn't it?"

We strolled along the sidewalk, exchanging stories about our favorite city spots, our dreams, and what made us who we were. As we approached the overlook, I could feel the anticipation building. It was one thing to enjoy dinner, but standing here, side by side, felt like an entirely different level of intimacy.

When we reached the edge, the skyline stretched out before us, a breathtaking tapestry of lights and energy. I leaned against the railing, my heart racing as I took in the view. "Wow," I breathed, the city sprawling endlessly beneath us.

"Pretty stunning, huh?" Colin stood beside me, the city reflected in his eyes. "Just like the people in it."

I turned to him, my breath catching as I felt the intensity of his gaze. "You really think so?"

"Absolutely," he replied, his voice low and sincere. "Especially you."

Before I could respond, he took a step closer, the space between us charged with an unspoken connection. My heart raced as I met his gaze, the city lights casting a soft glow around us.

"Adrienne," he said, his tone shifting, "I've really enjoyed tonight. You're incredible."

The moment hung in the air, heavy with possibility. I felt my cheeks warm, and a thrill of anticipation coursed through me. "I've enjoyed it too, Colin. More than I expected."

Just as I thought he might lean in, the moment was interrupted by a loud shout from a group of friends passing by, laughing and joking, and I felt a pang of disappointment. Colin chuckled, glancing at the group before turning back to me.

"Guess it's not our moment yet," he said with a playful grin. "But we can create our own soon enough."

"Definitely," I agreed, feeling a rush of hope.

As we walked back to the pizzeria, I couldn't shake the feeling that tonight was just the beginning of something wonderful. With every laugh, every lingering gaze, I was starting to believe in the magic of sweet encounters.

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