Chapter 15

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The sun filtered through the curtains, casting a harsh light on my throbbing head. I groaned, burying my face in the pillow, desperately wishing the world would fade away. My mouth felt like sandpaper, and every sound was a reminder of the wild night I'd had.

"Adrienne, wake up!" Sara's voice cut through my fog, followed by a gentle shake. "We need to get moving."

I cracked an eye open, squinting against the brightness. "What time is it?" I mumbled.

"Time to get your life together," she replied, laughing lightly. "It's nearly noon. We have to get you home-and to Colin's place."

The mention of Colin sent a wave of panic through me. My heart raced as I sat up slowly, trying to gather my thoughts. "Colin's? Why?"

"Because you're a hot mess, and I texted him to let him know you're coming over," Sara explained, her tone all business.

I rubbed my temples, feeling the onset of a headache. "I don't think that's a good idea right now. He'll think I'm a disaster."

"Exactly. So, we need to fix you up before you see him," she insisted, grabbing a glass of water and handing it to me. "Drink this. And don't even think about getting out of bed until you've at least had a couple of sips."

With a sigh, I took the water, grateful for her persistence. My friends had always looked out for me, but I couldn't shake the feeling of dread bubbling in my stomach. What would Colin think when he saw me like this? Would he be disappointed?

After I finished the water, Sara and the others began to pack up my things, tossing items into my bag like they were on a mission. "Let's get you dressed, and then we'll head out," she said, her energy relentless.

A few minutes later, I managed to put on some sweatpants and a loose tank top, still feeling the remnants of last night's fun hang heavy on my shoulders. "I can't believe I let it get this far," I muttered, leaning against the wall for support.

"It happens to the best of us," Sara said, giving me a reassuring smile. "But the important thing is, you have Colin. And you know he cares about you. He won't judge you for having fun."

I nodded, but the anxiety gnawed at me. I had made a bit of a mess of things lately. I wanted to be strong and independent, but I also wanted to let Colin in. How could I find that balance?

As we made our way out of my apartment, my friends flanked me, guiding me through the bustling streets of New York City. The world felt overwhelming, every noise amplifying my headache. I could hardly focus on what they were saying, too preoccupied with my thoughts.

When we finally reached Colin's penthouse, my stomach twisted again. "What if he's not okay with this?" I asked, hesitating at the door.

"Adrienne, he's expecting you," Sara replied, giving me a gentle push. "And trust me, he'll be thrilled to see you, even if you look a little rough around the edges."

Taking a deep breath, I knocked on the door. A moment later, it swung open, revealing Colin in a casual T-shirt and sweatpants, looking effortlessly handsome as always. His expression shifted from surprise to concern as he took in my disheveled appearance.

"Adrienne! Are you okay?" he asked, stepping aside to let us in.

"Not exactly," I admitted, my voice small. "I might have overdone it last night."

"More than a little," Sara chimed in with a playful grin, earning a glare from me.

Colin's brows furrowed as he stepped closer, inspecting me. "You look like you need a serious recovery day. Come on, I've got some hangover remedies."

He led us to the kitchen, where I collapsed onto a barstool. Colin started pouring a glass of orange juice and making a pot of coffee. The scent of brewing coffee wafted through the air, and my stomach churned at the thought of food.

"Thanks for coming over," he said softly, glancing my way. "I was worried when I hadn't heard from you. I didn't want to interrupt your night."

I felt a rush of guilt at his concern. "I'm sorry if I worried you. I just... I needed to blow off some steam."

"I get it," he said, pouring the coffee. "But I want you to know that you can talk to me about anything. I'm here for you, Adrienne."

As I sat there, I realized how much his words meant to me. He wasn't just a guy I was dating; he was someone I could lean on. The thought both thrilled and terrified me.

"I know. I just don't want to burden you with my problems," I confessed, my voice barely above a whisper.

Colin walked over, setting a steaming mug of coffee in front of me. "You're not a burden. We're in this together, remember?"

I took a sip of the coffee, letting the warmth spread through me. "I guess I just have a lot on my mind."

He studied me for a moment, concern etched on his face. "Want to talk about it?"

I hesitated, unsure of how to articulate my feelings. But I felt a spark of courage. "I think I've been running from my feelings, from this connection we have. I didn't want to get too close, but I realize now that I do want you in my life."

Colin's expression softened, and he stepped closer, resting his hands on the counter. "I want you in my life too, Adrienne. You don't have to be perfect to be with me. Just be you."

His words washed over me like a soothing balm, and for the first time that day, I felt a flicker of hope. Maybe things didn't have to be so complicated. Maybe I could embrace who I was-both the fun-loving girl and the one who craved something deeper.

"Thank you," I said softly, meeting his gaze. "I really appreciate that."

He smiled, and my heart swelled at the warmth of it. "Now, let's get you feeling better. I've got breakfast ready, and we can take it easy today."

As I followed him to the table, I felt a sense of relief wash over me. No matter the ups and downs, Colin was there, willing to support me. Today was a new day, and I was ready to embrace it.

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