Chapter 26

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The music pulsed around us, but my mind was a whirlwind of thoughts. I tried to focus on the rhythm, the way Colin's hand felt wrapped around mine as we danced, but the tension from my encounter with Gavin lingered.

As we swayed to the beat, I could feel Colin's attention divided; he was still glancing at his phone every few moments. Each time he did, a small part of me felt that familiar unease creeping back.

Suddenly, his phone buzzed on the table, drawing my attention. I caught sight of the screen lighting up with another notification, and without thinking, I leaned over to take a look.

New Message from Unknown Number: "I need to see you. Tonight. There's something you need to know."

My heart dropped. Another message, more cryptic than the first. I glanced around, making sure Colin was still engrossed in the music, and I quickly tapped to read the message more closely. The urgency in those words sent a chill down my spine.

"Who is this?" I muttered under my breath, my heart racing. The DJ was spinning a new track, and the crowd swayed, oblivious to my growing anxiety.

Just then, Colin turned back toward the table, and I quickly set the phone down as if I hadn't been looking at it. "Everything okay?" he asked, a hint of concern in his eyes.

"Yeah, just... the song is great!" I lied, forcing a smile that felt stiff. He raised an eyebrow but didn't press the issue.

We continued dancing, but I couldn't shake the feeling of dread. The second message was too vague, too urgent. I needed to know what was going on, but I didn't want to invade his privacy or create unnecessary conflict.

As we danced, I felt the weight of those words hanging between us. I wanted to confront Colin about it, to ask him what was happening, but I also didn't want to ruin the night.

A few minutes later, his phone buzzed again, and I caught another glimpse of the screen.

New Message from Unknown Number: "You can't ignore this. Meet me at the usual spot."

I felt my stomach drop. "Colin..." I started, but he was already turning back to me, his face lit up with a smile that momentarily made me forget the messages.

"Let's get a drink!" he suggested, grabbing my hand again and leading me toward the bar. I followed, torn between enjoying the moment and the gnawing suspicion that something was seriously wrong.

As we approached the bar, Colin's phone buzzed yet again, but this time he didn't check it. He ordered us drinks, completely unaware of the storm brewing in my mind.

I leaned in close, forcing myself to focus on him. "Colin," I said, trying to keep my voice steady. "Is everything okay? You seem... distracted."

He hesitated, a flicker of something crossing his face. "Just work stuff," he replied, but there was a tightness in his tone that made me uneasy.

I wanted to press further, to demand he tell me the truth, but the music and laughter around us made me hesitate. What if I was overreacting? What if it was just something trivial?

But as the DJ spun another track, I knew I couldn't ignore the feeling in my gut. Something was off, and I needed to get to the bottom of it.

As the night continued, I vowed to myself that I would confront Colin about those messages. I couldn't let secrets build a wall between us.

As we climbed into Colin's car, the night air felt electric, but the thrill I'd felt earlier had been overshadowed by the tension gnawing at me. The vibrant lights of the club faded behind us as he started the engine, the low rumble of the car filling the silence between us.

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