Chapter 14

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I walked into my apartment, the weight of the evening's conversation still heavy on my heart. Colin's doubts had thrown me off balance, and despite his assurances, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was standing on the precipice of something big-something terrifying.

I needed to clear my head. I needed to break free from the anxiety that clung to me like a second skin. As I paced the small living room, my phone buzzed on the coffee table, and I snatched it up, hoping for a distraction. It was a text from Sara.

Sara: Hey! We're heading to that new club tonight. You in?

I hesitated for just a moment, but the thought of going out, dancing, and losing myself in the music felt liberating. I quickly typed back.

Me: Absolutely! Give me half an hour!

Throwing open my closet, I rummaged through my clothes, tossing aside a couple of outfits before landing on a black, body-hugging dress that showed off just the right amount of skin. It felt bold and confident-just what I needed for a night out. I paired it with strappy heels that would make me feel fierce.

As I stared at my reflection in the mirror, I could see the girl I used to be before I met Colin-full of life, excitement, and a little bit of rebellion. Tonight, I would reclaim that version of myself. The girl who wasn't afraid to have fun and live in the moment.

I finished getting ready, putting on a bold red lip and some statement earrings. I felt ready to conquer the world. I grabbed my phone, purse, and headed out, leaving behind the uncertainties of my relationship with Colin, if only for a few hours.

The city buzzed with energy as I made my way to the club, the sounds of laughter and music blending into an intoxicating symphony. I spotted Sara and a couple of friends outside the venue, their faces lit up with excitement.

"Adrienne! You look stunning!" Sara exclaimed, wrapping me in a hug.

"Thanks! I needed this," I said, feeling a thrill of anticipation surge through me as we made our way inside.

The club was alive with flashing lights and pulsing beats. As we entered, I felt the bass reverberate through my body, drowning out my worries. We moved through the crowd, laughter spilling from our lips as we found a spot near the bar.

"Let's start with shots!" one of my friends shouted, and I nodded eagerly. This was the kind of night I craved-wild, uninhibited, and full of possibility.

After a few rounds of drinks, I felt the tension start to melt away. The music called to me, and I pulled my friends onto the dance floor, losing myself in the rhythm. We swayed, twirled, and laughed, the night unfolding in a blur of neon lights and euphoric energy.

But as I danced, a part of me couldn't help but think of Colin. I missed the way he made me feel, but I couldn't dwell on that right now. I was here to have fun, to forget the weight of expectations, and to embrace the night.

Hours flew by, and soon I found myself at the bar, chatting with a couple of guys who seemed genuinely interested in what I had to say. I flirted easily, enjoying the attention as they complimented my dress and my dancing skills.

"Hey, you're a great dancer! What's your name?" one of them asked, flashing a charming smile.

"Adrienne," I replied, feeling a rush of confidence.

"Nice to meet you, Adrienne. I'm Jake. You should come dance with us!" he said, gesturing toward his group.

I hesitated for a moment, but then I threw caution to the wind. Why not? Tonight was about freedom, after all. I joined them on the dance floor, losing myself once more in the intoxicating atmosphere.

As we danced, I felt a thrill I hadn't experienced in a long time. The music pulsed through me, and I spun around, letting the rhythm take control. I laughed, feeling light and carefree, forgetting the complexities of my life back home.

But amid the laughter and excitement, a nagging thought crept in. Was I running away from my feelings for Colin? Was this rebellion just a way to distract myself from the reality of our situation? The thought made my chest tighten, but I pushed it aside.

Suddenly, I noticed a familiar face across the room. Colin stood there, his expression a mix of surprise and concern as he scanned the crowd. I felt my heart race, a rush of conflicting emotions flooding through me. Did he really come to find me?

Ignoring the pang of guilt that settled in my stomach, I turned back to Jake and his friends, determined to focus on having fun. But my mind kept drifting back to Colin and the conversation we'd had just a few days ago.

"Are you okay?" Jake asked, noticing my distraction.

"Yeah, just thinking," I said, forcing a smile.

"Don't think too much! Just dance," he encouraged, pulling me back into the thrumming energy of the dance floor.

As I moved, I could feel Colin's eyes on me, but I refused to let it get to me. I was done being held back by my fears. I wanted to feel free, even if just for one night.

But as the night wore on and I danced without a care, I felt the weight of my actions. Was I pushing Colin away for good? Was this really what I wanted? My heart ached at the thought, and the carefree feeling began to fade, replaced by a dull ache of uncertainty.

Eventually, I made my way to the bathroom, splashing water on my face to cool down. I caught my reflection in the mirror and sighed, the girl looking back at me was a mixture of joy and confusion. I needed to sort through my feelings-what I truly wanted.

As I stepped back into the club, I spotted Colin again, his eyes locked on mine. This time, I didn't look away. I held his gaze, feeling a mix of defiance and longing.

Tonight, I was reclaiming my freedom, but I also realized I needed to confront what was happening between us. I was tired of running, tired of hiding. Whatever it was that was brewing between Colin and me deserved my attention, my honesty.

Taking a deep breath, I turned back to my friends, a new determination in my heart. It was time to embrace both sides of myself-the wild, carefree girl and the one who wanted something real with Colin. I could do both, and I would figure out how.

Tonight would be a night to remember, but it would also be a night to reflect. Tomorrow, I'd reach out to Colin and see where we could go from here.

Here's how you could include Colin texting Adrienne to ask about her whereabouts:

As I stepped out of the club, the music still thumping in my chest, I pulled out my phone, wanting to check the time. My heart sank a little when I saw a text from Colin.

Colin: Hey, where are you? I've been looking for you.

My stomach twisted at the thought of him worrying about me. Part of me wanted to reply immediately, to explain that I was just having fun with my friends and that I was okay. But another part felt a twinge of rebellion. I didn't want him to think he could control where I went or what I did.

Me: Just out with some friends. Having a good time! You should join!

I hit send before I could overthink it, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. Almost instantly, my phone buzzed again.

Colin: I'm glad you're having fun! Just worried. Let me know if you need anything.

His concern made me smile, but it also reminded me of the weight of our earlier conversation. Did he really understand that I needed this? That I needed to let loose for a while?

I looked back at the club, considering what I wanted. Did I want to keep pushing him away or let him in? With a deep breath, I typed back.

Me: I'm okay! Promise. Just dancing and enjoying the night. Can't wait to see you later!

As I hit send, I felt a surge of determination. Tonight was about embracing my freedom, but it was also about finding a balance between the wild side of me and the deeper connection I craved with Colin.

I turned back to my friends, a renewed sense of excitement coursing through me. Whatever was happening between Colin and me would be addressed, but for now, I was ready to enjoy the night and all it had to offer.

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