Chapter 6

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As I closed the door, still basking in the warmth of the evening, my phone buzzed on the coffee table. I picked it up and saw a message from Sara.

Sara: Hey! How was your movie night with the hot baker?

A grin spread across my face as I typed back quickly.

Me: It was amazing! We watched a great action film and ate way too many pastries. He's even more charming in person.

I could already picture Sara's reaction. She would be thrilled to hear how well things went. My phone buzzed again almost immediately.

Sara: OMG! Tell me everything! Did you guys kiss?

I hesitated for a moment, biting my lip. The tension from the evening was still fresh in my mind.

Me: Not yet, but the chemistry is definitely there. We had a really great connection!

Sara: That's a start! You should have kissed him! What are you waiting for?

I chuckled at her enthusiasm, knowing she was right. It was just so easy to get lost in conversation and forget the rest.

Me: I know! I think I was just nervous. I'm not used to this whole flirting thing.

Sara: Girl, you are totally capable of flirting! Just channel your inner goddess!

I laughed again, picturing her doing some dramatic gesture.

Me: Okay, okay! I'll work on it. You'll have to help me out next time we hang out.

Sara: Deal! When can I meet him? I need to meet this guy!

Me: Soon! I promise.

Sara: Can't wait! Let's plan a girls' night too. You need to spill all the details!

Me: Definitely. I'll text you tomorrow?

Sara: Perfect! Sweet dreams, you lovebird!

As I set my phone down, I felt a rush of excitement mixed with nerves. Sara's enthusiasm was infectious, and I couldn't help but feel hopeful about what was to come.

I wandered to the kitchen, cleaning up the remnants of our movie night. Each dish I washed reminded me of the sweet moments shared with Colin, the laughter echoing in my mind. Would the next time we hung out lead to a kiss? I hoped so.

With a satisfied sigh, I poured myself a glass of water and headed to bed. The city buzzed outside my window, but inside, I felt a sense of calm and anticipation. Tomorrow would bring new possibilities, and I was ready to embrace them.

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