Chapter 31

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Adrienne & Colin

The sun streamed through the café windows, casting a warm glow over the small table where Adrienne sat, her heart fluttering with excitement. The ring on her finger sparkled as she fidgeted with her notebook, colorful pens scattered around her like confetti. Today marked the beginning of wedding planning, and the thought sent butterflies dancing in her stomach.

Colin leaned back in his chair, watching Adrienne with a smile that radiated warmth. "Alright, let's do this," she declared, determination sparkling in her eyes.

"What's the first order of business?" he asked, mirroring her enthusiasm.

"First, we need to pick a date. I was thinking late spring," she suggested, her fingers dancing across the pages of her notebook. "What do you think?"

"Late spring sounds great. It'll give us plenty of time to plan, and the weather should be perfect," Colin agreed, his eyes shining with excitement.

"Next, we need to decide on the venue. I was thinking a beach wedding, just us and the waves," Adrienne said, her voice filled with anticipation.

Colin's expression brightened. "I love that idea! A beach wedding sounds romantic and intimate. Let's do it."

Just as they were starting to delve into their ideas, Adrienne's phone buzzed on the table, breaking the moment. She glanced down to see a message from Sara: *"Hey! I heard the news! Can I come over? I want to celebrate!"*

"Perfect timing," Adrienne said, beaming as she tapped a quick response.

A few minutes later, Sara burst through the café door, her energy infectious. "Surprise! I couldn't wait to see you two!" she exclaimed, her arms wrapping around Adrienne in a warm hug.

"Sara, we're just getting started on the wedding plans!" Adrienne said, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm.

"Perfect! I'm here for all the details!" Sara replied, sliding into the booth beside Colin, her curiosity palpable.

As Adrienne excitedly shared their ideas for a beach wedding, Sara's eyes widened with delight. "That sounds amazing! You'll look gorgeous in a flowy dress, and I can already picture the sunset backdrop."

"Right?" Adrienne said, her excitement pouring out. "I want it to be romantic and intimate."

"What about flowers? Are you thinking about a theme?" Sara asked, already pulling out her phone to jot down ideas.

Adrienne nodded, her gaze thoughtful. "I was thinking of a color palette inspired by the ocean-blues, greens, maybe some coral accents."

"Love it! And I can help you with the flower arrangements!" Sara chimed in, her enthusiasm matching Adrienne's.

Colin leaned back, content to let the women brainstorm. "What about the food? We could do a beach barbecue or seafood feast," he suggested, eager to contribute.

Adrienne's face lit up. "I love that! We can incorporate local flavors. It'll make it feel even more special."

"Okay, let's jot that down too!" Sara said, her excitement infectious as she continued to brainstorm.

As they discussed everything from guest lists to music, Colin watched Adrienne, his heart swelling with gratitude. These moments filled with laughter and joy reminded him of how far they had come together. Adrienne and Sara had been friends for years, and he could see the bond they shared, strengthened by Adrienne's happiness.

"Alright, we've got a solid start," Colin said, trying to pull their attention back. "Now, let's talk about what the two of you will be wearing."

Adrienne smirked, leaning in closer to him. "You better not suggest white tuxedos, Colin."

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