Chapter 35

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Here's a revised version where Adrienne tries the cookie dough and pickles but ends up spitting it out:


**Chapter 45 (continued)**

After their heartfelt conversation, the mood in the room lightened again. Colin's curiosity sparked as he wandered into the kitchen, glancing through the fridge and pantry for a late-night snack. "You know what sounds good right now?" he called out, rummaging around.

"What?" Adrienne replied, following him into the kitchen.

He pulled out a tub of cookie dough and a jar of pickles, holding them up like trophies. "These two together! Cookie dough and pickles. It's a weird combo, but I swear it's amazing."

Adrienne raised an eyebrow, a mix of amusement and skepticism on her face. "Are you serious? That sounds absolutely bizarre!"

"I know it sounds odd, but just hear me out," he said, grinning mischievously. "The sweetness of the cookie dough with the crunch and tang of the pickles creates this wild flavor explosion. You have to try it!"

Adrienne crossed her arms, pretending to think hard. "You're really going to make me try that?"

"Absolutely!" he said, laughing. "C'mon, live a little. What's life without a little adventure?"

With a reluctant smile, she relented. "Alright, fine! But if it's terrible, I'm blaming you."

Colin expertly scooped a dollop of cookie dough onto a plate, then pulled out a pickle, slicing it in half before placing a piece on top of the dough. "Here we go! This is going to change your life."

Adrienne took a deep breath, eyeing the unusual concoction. "I can't believe I'm doing this," she muttered before taking a cautious bite.

The moment the flavors hit her tongue, she felt her stomach turn. "Oh no! No, no, no!" she exclaimed, her face contorting in disgust. Without a second thought, she spat it out into the sink, laughter bubbling up despite the taste.

Colin burst into laughter, holding his stomach. "I told you it was an acquired taste! You weren't ready for that level of culinary genius!"

"Culinary genius? More like culinary nightmare!" Adrienne said, wiping her mouth with a napkin. "How can you even enjoy that?"

Colin shook his head, still chuckling. "Okay, fair point. But I thought maybe you'd surprise me and love it!"

"I think I'll stick to my regular snacks, thanks," she replied, her laughter mixing with his as they shared the moment.

As they moved back into the living room, Adrienne felt grateful for Colin's lightheartedness. Even when things went wrong, he had a way of making it fun, reminding her that life was about enjoying the quirks along the way.

After their laughter subsided, Adrienne leaned back on the couch, her mind drifting into deeper thoughts. The light from the kitchen cast a warm glow around them, and she turned to Colin, a curious look on her face. "So, do you ever think about having kids?"

Colin paused, surprised by the sudden shift in conversation. "Kids? Wow, that's a big question. Why do you ask?"

Adrienne shrugged, her expression contemplative. "I don't know. I guess it just popped into my head. I mean, we talk about our future together, and that's part of it, right?"

"Definitely," Colin agreed, leaning forward with interest. "I suppose I've thought about it, but I haven't really talked about it with anyone before."

"What do you envision?" Adrienne asked, intrigued. "Do you see yourself as a dad?"

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