Chapter 32

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As the excitement of sharing her news with her parents settled, Adrienne turned to Colin, a thoughtful expression crossing her face. "So, are you going to call your mom and dad to share the news?" she asked, curious about his family's reaction.

Colin hesitated for a moment, glancing down at his hands. "I haven't really thought about it yet," he admitted, his tone shifting slightly. "I guess I'm not sure how they'll react."

Adrienne felt a pang of concern. "What do you mean? Don't you think they'll be happy for you?"

"Yeah, I mean... I think they will be. It's just that our relationship has always been a bit complicated," Colin said, his brow furrowing. "My parents have a lot of expectations, and I'm not sure how they'll feel about me getting engaged."

Adrienne reached out, placing her hand on his. "You deserve to be happy, Colin. No matter what they think, you're starting a new chapter in your life with me. That's what matters."

He met her gaze, and she could see the conflict in his eyes. "You're right. I just worry about how they'll react. I don't want them to put any pressure on us or try to control what we do."

Adrienne squeezed his hand gently. "You're not alone in this. I'll be there with you when you talk to them. We can face it together."

Colin took a deep breath, his expression softening as he considered her words. "You really mean that? You'll come with me?"

"Of course!" Adrienne replied, her voice filled with sincerity. "We're in this together, remember? It's a big step for both of us, and I want to support you just like you've supported me."

A small smile crept onto Colin's face, and Adrienne felt a rush of warmth at the sight. "Okay, then. I'll call them," he said, his tone more resolute. "I'll let them know about the engagement and invite them over so we can discuss wedding plans together."

Adrienne's heart swelled with pride. "That's a great idea! I'm sure they'll appreciate being involved. And it'll give you a chance to set the tone for everything moving forward."

"Yeah, and I want them to see how happy we are," Colin replied, his confidence growing. "Thanks for pushing me to do this. It really means a lot."

Adrienne leaned in closer, wrapping her arms around him. "I'm here for you, always. Just like you're here for me."

As they embraced, Adrienne felt a renewed sense of strength in their partnership. She knew that facing challenges together would only bring them closer, and she was excited to see what the future held for both of them.

As they parked in the driveway of Colin's parents' house, Adrienne felt a wave of nerves wash over her. The familiar suburban neighborhood looked the same, but this time, a sense of foreboding hung in the air.

"Are you ready for this?" Colin asked, glancing at her, his expression a mix of excitement and apprehension.

Adrienne took a deep breath, trying to reassure both him and herself. "Yeah, I'm ready. Just remember, we're in this together."

Colin nodded, though his brow furrowed slightly as they walked up to the front door. When he rang the doorbell, the sound echoed ominously, and Adrienne could feel her heart racing.

The door swung open to reveal Colin's mother, her expression neutral, almost cold. "Colin," she said, her voice lacking warmth. "You're late."

"Sorry, Mom. Traffic was rough," Colin replied, attempting to sound cheerful.

"What a shame. We've been waiting for you," she said, stepping aside only slightly to let them in.

As they entered the living room, Adrienne noticed the room felt tense. Colin's father sat in his usual armchair, a scowl etched on his face as he looked up from his newspaper. "What's going on?" he asked bluntly, not bothering to mask his irritation.

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