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What? Two chapters? IN ONE NIGHT?! SHES CRAZY! No she's brilliant you fools. Bow down. Real quick fun pun. ARE YOU A DRAGON CAUSE IM A KNIGHT AN IM ABOUT TO SLAY YOU WITH THIS CHAPTER! That was awful please forgive me. Bye✌️Peace out rainbow trout.
He was a man. My age it seemed, seventeen or eighteen. I hoped I looked normal, you never know what death does to you. I continued humming and working when he finally spotted me. "Oh thank god!" He called rushing over. He looked up at me and smiled, I ignored him. "Excuse me? Um..I seem to have gotten lost can you help me?" I continued ignoring him, smiling a bit to myself.

"Hello?" He called up at me. Time to start some action. I jumped down from the tree, the flowers resting on top of my head. Landing softly in front of him I looked at him for the first time. He was taller than me, which wasn't a problem, He had brown kind of wavy hair, and brown eyes. I guess he was kind of cute. But none of that's happening here!

I gripped my knife with my left hand and grabbed onto his shoulder firmly with my right. I started laughing, loudly. Not caring if I sounded crazy. He started to pull away, but my hand was still on his shoulder tightly. I kicked his knees and he fell to the ground. Not the strongest it seems. I stuck my knife into the ground through his shirt, oh yeah he wasn't going anywhere. I put my knee into his chest and my arms held his arms tightly to his side. I leaned over him, our faces inches apart. I felt myself changing into my true form. I smiled at him, and he screamed loudly. I laughed softly.

I felt something change in me. It was strange. It felt as though killing him was wrong. Like it wasn't right. My form changed back into my normal self. I touched my face and quickly pulled my knife out of the ground. I shuddered and ran back up the tree. I sat on a branch and started to cry. I didn't know why, I didn't want to cry, but it was his fault. He made me cry. He made me not want to kill him.

I stopped the tears as quickly as I had started them. My face hardened into my regular self. My new regular self. I peeked out from the tree and I saw him, still on the ground petrified. I laughed quietly. He heard. "Wh-who are you? Wh-why did y-you do th-that?" He stammered. I stepped out onto the branch. "My name is Charlotte Black. But I think the real question here is, who are you?" I twirled my knife in my hands and threw it into the tree behind the man, barely missing his head. He shuffled away from the tree a bit. "I-I'm Sam." Sam mumbled. "Thats a nice name." I sat down on the branch and pulled out another knife. I threw this one into the bag Sam was holding. "What's in the bag, Sammy?" I asked casually. "Nothing of your concern." Sam said, losing the stutter. I stared at him shocked. "You know, for a guy I almost killed, you seem to think it's okay to talk to me like that." I pulled out a third knife and twirled it around in front of him. Sam gasped and started apologizing like crazy. "Awe shut your cake hole. I'm not going to kill you, I don't think I can." I started to climb higher up the tree. "How come you didn't kill me? Aren't you the girl who's been killing everyone?" I nodded and he took a few steps back. "I just, couldn't kill you. I don't know why. It makes me sad. I'm kind of hungry, for some blood." I said casually. "Well I'm off to hunt. Anyways, nice meeting you. I'll track you down and kill you later. Oh also, keep going straight and make a left on Fort Avenue." I ran away from there as fast as I could leaving him dumbfounded.

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