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Charlotte's POV:

I really don't understand what was happening. For a minuet I was hugging him and it was um, awful. I sighed. I'm a mess. Anyway, then this feeling over took me. Like I was being followed by someone dangerous, someone who wanted to make trouble.

I didn't want to put Sam in danger so I pulled away and said, "I need to go." And then ran out the door. It felt strange going through a door and not a window, but it just have made him happy seeing as he watched me run off.

I ran through the woods like I normally do and once I had gone about a half a mile I stopped in an open place. I stood and waited. Waited for someone to come out of the shadows and attack me. Waited for a fight. Waited for...something. After thirty minuets of nothing I threw my hands up in the air and yelled, "If you want to hurt me just do it already!" I waited for a few more minuets. Nothing.

"Ugh," I started to walk away when I noticed a shadow unlike my own in the trees. "If your in the tree. You can come down. I'm bored and ready to fight and get it over with." I said calmly, crossing my arms over my chest. The shadow shuffled a bit but stayed where it was. "Ok, I'm done here I'm leaving." I began to walk away when the shadow jumped down from the tree and landed behind me.

When I say behind me. I mean, right behind me. I pulled out my knives, "Finally," I said. The shadow reached out and grabbed my waist, spinning me around. The shadow- a man- kicks me in the stomach and I pretend to fall. His his knee digs into my stomach but I'm not fazed. I start to pretend cry like I usually do. It always works on mortals and I can see him struggle from guilt.

He is hesitating I can tell. He moves his weapon closer and farther away from me. I use this time to get a good grip on my knives. I stop abruptly and he looks at me with anger. I quickly swipe at his shirt and blood starts to appear. He tries to strike my hand with his weapon but he only gets my finger. I kick his knee and he crumples to the floor. I start to laugh. "Charlotte wins again." I say laughing.

"Not quite yet." Someone else says. Another man- seeming to one from thin air- appears. He wears a hoodie so I can't see his face. I laugh harder. He looks like a child. I could defiantly take him. I pull out my knives again. He holds up a hand. "No. I am not here to fight and neither is Masky," he points to Masky, the guy on the ground. He is already fixing himself up.

I squint my eyes at him as he continues. " We have heard of you Charlotte. We know you are dead and you are one of us. You are a CreepyPasta. And we want you to join us."

Charlotte: A CreepyPasta storyWhere stories live. Discover now