Crossed paths

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I can't complain; honestly, this gathering at Phuwin's house has been, at the very least, pleasant, and the people here are nice. They all seem like good people, but that always happens to me. It seems like I can't trust my own instincts.

I find myself at the entrance with Phuwin; I've already said my goodbyes to everyone else.

— Got everything?

— Yes, mom: blazer, keys, wallet, myself... seems like I'm not forgetting anything.

— You're forgetting my hug...

I let Phuwin hug me; in truth, I enjoy it, it gives me a boost of energy. I spend too much time alone. I know it's not good for me, but I don't want to give anyone the chance to hurt me.

— So, what did you think of them?

— They seem like good people; they're nice.

— Yeah. We've known them for years, Dunk. I promise I wouldn't let anyone into your life who isn't trustworthy.

This is very comforting. I don't want to leave... Feeling cared for by someone would be the best gift life could give me. But Dunk... wake up, your reality is different.

— Thanks. And thank Pond for lending me a bit of his Phuwin.

As I say this, I stroke his head. I know what that sarcastic look of his means.

— I don't know what you're thinking in that little head of yours, but Pond is as worried about you as I am, if not more.

Right, of course... I'm just the annoying nekoboy stealing time away from his boyfriend. I know Phuwin doesn't see it the way I do, and he always tells me how much Pond cares about me, but that's just what he has to say to keep him happy. It's obvious he can't think too highly of me if I'm taking away their time as a couple.

— I should get going; it's getting dark outside, and you know how little I like walking around alone at this hour.

— Are you sure we can't give you a ride? Pond said...

— Come on, Phuwin, we've been together all day. You should send the others home and enjoy some time alone with Pond.

— I enjoy Pond just the same; we live together, we have plenty of time for ourselves. Friends are important too.

Could he be any sweeter? If I don't leave now, I'll never go.

— If you'll excuse me, I have to go vomit rainbows. Thanks for everything; see you tomorrow at the studio, right?

— Hahaha... Yes, see you tomorrow.

Phuwin hugs me tightly again. Just as he's letting go, Joong walks into the entrance.

Suddenly, the space feels so much smaller. This guy is something else; it's not like he's huge, but his presence makes me feel tiny.

— Phuwin, I'm heading out too. Thanks for inviting me; I had a great time, and I finally got to meet the famous Dunk.

His gaze meets mine, and I get a shiver down my spine. This can't be good, right? Is it some kind of sign to keep my distance from him?

— Would you mind giving Dunk a ride? I'd feel much better; it's getting dark...

— Phuwin, that's not necessary...

— Of course. Dunk, would you mind if I drove you home?

Damn it, and even more damn it. I can't, I can't say no to him...

— Fine, sure...

— Great! Thanks, Joong. Dunk, remember to let me know when you're home.

Joong finishes getting ready to leave, gives Phuwin another hug—seems like they really are good friends...

All set, we head out towards his car.

— Would you like to sit up front with me or prefer to be in the back?

He surprises me again. Is it possible for someone to be like this? He's been giving me options from the start, as if he knows exactly what I need to feel safe.

— The front is fine, you're not a taxi.

— I don't mind, Dunk. Just think about what makes you feel safer and more comfortable.

There he goes again.

— I-I'm fine in the front with you.

— Good.

He opens the passenger door and waits for me to sit down. I look at him and his beautiful smile. Then at the car, then back at him...

— Are you sure this is okay?

— Yes!

I get into the car, and as I'm reaching for the seatbelt, I see Joong leaning towards me. He's not too close, almost like he's trying not to invade my personal space.

— Need help?

— The seatbelt...

— Here.

He keeps his distance, only bringing his hand near the right side of my head to pull the seatbelt over and hand it to me.

— Can you manage from here?

— Uh-huh.

His smile grows wider; it's so gentle. My fingers tingle—I want to touch him.

Damn it.

Luckily, Joong seems to think the situation is resolved and closes my door to head over to the driver's side.

We set off, and Joong asks me to add my address to the GPS. Once I do, he follows the instructions.

I can relax, and in less time than I expected, I feel calm, safe, and cared for.

I don't know how it happened, but I felt so comfortable that I fell asleep, and now Joong is softly whispering to me that we've arrived. Mmmm... I like his voice.

Am I purring? As my awareness returns, I startle.

— Don't worry, Dunk. Everything's fine; you fell asleep on the way, and we've just arrived at your apartment.

I assess the situation, look out the windows. It's true; we're home, I'm okay, everything's okay.

— Mmm... Sorry, Joong. Thanks for bringing me. Good night.

And I leave so quickly that he doesn't have time to say goodbye. If he does, I don't hear it.

If I see him again, I'll apologize.

I get to my apartment—alone, cold, dark... but it's safe. I let Phuwin know I'm home and go to bed. All I want is to sleep.

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