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— What are you thinking?

— That I hope to be the best man at your future wedding. And, of course, the godfather of your future kids.

— You're getting ahead of yourself... We're just getting to know each other, and you know it's not easy. He might get tired. He might realize that...

— Or maybe he's crazy about you and doesn't care about anything else.

— Not everyone is like your guy.

— True, I feel for you and Joong, but there's only one Pond, and he's mine.

— Sometimes, you're unbearable.

— Hahaha... but you love me.

— ...yeah...

— I know, and I love you too, Dunk. Believe me, Joong would be climbing the walls with jealousy if he heard this conversation right now.

I smile, because that's probably true. Joong has started to show me his feelings, and he's definitely a little possessive. But not in a bad way; he always expresses it in the most respectful and thoughtful way possible. He doesn't try to control me or mess with my mind like others have done in the past.

— Dunk, can you come to my office, please?

We're in the building of the company that manages our modeling jobs. My agent's face, while asking me to come to his office, didn't look too friendly. This doesn't seem like a good sign.

— If this is about what I think it is, don't let him push you around. It's your life, Dunk. They can give us advice, but remember, he works for you, not the other way around. They need you.

I take a deep breath, and when I feel ready, I stand up and head to his office.

— Please, sit down.

I close the door behind me and settle into the chair across from his desk.

— Dunk... how do I say this... I just got word that the guy you've been...

— Jack, stop. Look, if this is something we need to discuss because it affects my work, then fine, go ahead. But if you're about to cross the line as my agent and get involved in my personal life, giving me advice or trying to influence me... stop. I'm not interested. And let me say this: if I don't feel comfortable, if I don't feel like I'm being protected and my interests looked after, I'll leave.

— ...I understand, but the journalists...

— It doesn't matter, you know it doesn't matter. If they don't have a story, they'll make one up.

— Do you trust this guy?

— Yes.

— Okay. Okay, I'm sorry.

— What rumors are going around that made you call me?

— Well, you might want to get in touch with him. They've cornered him at his shop, asking all sorts of questions, you know... whether this is just a publicity stunt for his flower shop or if it's serious... the usual.

— Got it... got it... sorry, Jack, I have to go. Goodbye.

— Goodbye, kid.

I head out to find Phuwin and tell him what's going on.

— Okay, calm down, Dunk. Joong is a grown man, right? Trust him. I'll call Pond to go and help. You can't do anything right now, you'd just make it worse.

While I listen to him talk to Pond, I message Joong.

Dunk: Is everything okay? I was just told that some journalists came by to hassle you.

Joong: All good. Daou is making a month's worth of sales today thanks to me. I might have to raise his prices.

Dunk: I'm sorry, Joong. I can't come over, it would probably make things worse. Phuwin is talking to Pond, he'll go help you out.

Joong: Dunki, read this carefully: THIS IS NOT YOUR FAULT. Don't apologize. Reread this as many times as you need until you believe it, okay?

Dunk: Yes, sir.

Joong: Can you repeat that to me in person when we see each other?

Dunk: Joong...

Joong: Hahaha... okay, but I'm serious. It would drive me wild, and I know you'd love that.

And he does it, I'm smiling, and the anxiety that was building up starts to fade.

Joong: I hope you're smiling and not frowning that gorgeous face of yours. I'm fine. Everything's fine. And you're amazing, babe.


— That smile... Weren't you just stressing out before calling Pond? Do you trust him that much?

— Hahaha... no, silly, I was just texting with Joong.

— Ahhh... now I get it.

— Get what?

— Nothing, just that Dunki is totally smitten with Joong.

— Shut up.

— Hahaha... only if you promise I'll be the best man at your wedding and the godfather of your kids.

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