The sweet taste of doubt

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— Dunk...

— Mmmm...

— Dunki...

— 5 more minutes...

I hear him laugh softly, and that's when it hits me—Joong is still here. His hand is still gently stroking one of my ears. My position is, to say the least, embarrassing... I've got him completely trapped between my arms and legs. My head is nestled against his neck, and with each breath, I can taste him.

The memory of last night floods my mind, and I purr.

— Do you always wake up with this much energy?


— Mmm... I'm flattered.

Joong kisses the top of my head. This is not helping me calm down...

— I can't stay any longer. I should have opened the shop an hour and a half ago...

— What?!

I quickly let him go and jump out of bed in a hurry. I'm gathering his clothes, and when I'm about to hand them to him, I catch him looking at me with the softest smile...

— Thanks.

— ...

He stands up and starts getting dressed. Once he's ready, he comes over, kisses my forehead, and, while studying my face, caresses me from my ear down to my chin.

— I don't want to leave...

He sighs with his eyes closed, and when he opens them again, that beautiful smile of his is back.

— Have a lovely day, Dunki.

And he leaves.

Okay... no big deal, sex is natural, and Joong is gorgeous—of course my body reacts to him. Nothing more.

I take a long shower, apply my creams, dry my hair, and put on one of my favorite shirts, the one with the little heart. Once I'm ready, I grab my phone.

When I unlock it, my heart starts beating faster, and I swallow hard as I see a notification.

Joong: Do you feel like grabbing a coffee later? There's an adorable café in front of my shop; I personally handle the decor. If you're up for it, here's the location.

📍 maps link

P.S.: The coffee and dessert are on me.

I'm conflicted. Do I want to go? Absolutely... but is it the right thing to do? What if I'm sending the wrong message? I'm not interested. Well, I am. I don't want to be, though.

I don't reply. I decide to give myself a few minutes to think before making a decision, but my thoughts are a mess, and I can't make up my mind.

Maybe I should call Phuwin?


That's it.

I grab my phone and look for his contact. Is this a good idea? What if he finds out about EVERYTHING? Oh... come on, it's impossible.

I call Phuwin.

— Dunk! Hey, everything okay? It's rare for you to call...

— Huh? What's so strange about that?

— ...Is something wrong, Dunk?

— No, it's just... Joong invited me for coffee and...

— And you're not sure whether to go? What are you afraid of? You like him, don't you?

— WHAT?!

— You know, your shocked reaction makes me think you like him as more than a friend...

— ...I don't know what you mean. I have to hang up.

— Dunk... come on, it's just coffee, a dessert, and a nice chat with Joong. I wouldn't overthink it. And those internal conflicts I can hear from here... leave them behind and just enjoy. I doubt Joong will let you fall, but if anything happens, I'll be your safety net. I promise.

— ...Shut up. I'm hanging up.

— Hahaha...

I hang up. What does he think? He thinks he knows everything...

I open Joong's message; it's been two hours. It's probably too late by now.

Dunk: Sorry, Joong, it's probably too late now, but if the offer still stands, I can come by.

Joong: Typing...

Joong: I'll be waiting ❤️

I smile. I call a taxi, lock my phone, put it in my bag, and grab my coat.

Once ready, I check how close the taxi is. Since it's almost here, I head outside to wait, and while standing there, a girl comes up to ask for a picture. After we're done, the taxi is already waiting for me. I get in, give the driver the address, and we're on our way.

I spend the whole ride feeling nervous.

When we arrive at Joong's flower shop, I feel one of my eyelids twitch, and I force myself to hide all my nerves. I pay, get out of the taxi, and walk straight in without thinking twice, switching to professional model autopilot. But when I see him, all the composure vanishes.

— Dunki! Come here, tell me what you think.

He runs over, grabs me by the wrist, and pulls me over to a beautiful table arrangement.

— Okay, look, I'm debating whether to use these red tulips or these carnations. What do you think?

— They're both beautiful... I can't choose.

— Mmmm... okay, if I were to gift you one of the two, which would you like to receive?

I look at the flowers, then at him...

— And you? If you were to give me one, which would you choose?

— Neither. I'd give you a sunflower.

— A sunflower?

— Yup.

— Why a sunflower?

He doesn't answer, just flashes me one of his brilliant smiles.

— I think I'll go with the carnations for this arrangement. Should I finish up so we can get that coffee?

— Sure, and... dessert?

I feel embarrassed, but I want that sweet treat he promised me.

— Of course, Dunki, you can ask me for anything you want.

That's a very dangerous statement.

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