New parents

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Coming home with Ryu is... terrifying.

At the hospital, we had the security of the nurses on the floor. Any doubts or concerns, we'd call them, and everything was resolved. But now what? What if something happens to Ryu, and we don't know what it is or how to fix it?

We're scared of everything: if he breastfeeds too much, if he doesn't eat enough, if he sleeps in our arms, if he sleeps alone in his bassinet, if he doesn't sleep enough, if he sleeps for more than three hours without waking up for a feed...

Thankfully, breastfeeding is going well. Ryu is growing as he should, and so far, I haven't had any issues with cracked nipples from a bad latch. I hope it stays that way.

— Dunki, he's sleeping. Go to bed and rest; I'll stay with him.

— Thanks, love. Call me when he needs to eat.

He kisses me and gives me a big hug.

— Go, don't waste time—now it's more valuable than ever.

— Hahaha... you're right. I love you.

— I love you too, my life.

The bed... mmmm... I used to love it, but now? We don't appreciate enough the pleasure of sleeping and resting.

I'm deep in the most peaceful sleep when I hear Joong's voice and Ryu's cries.

— Daddy, I'm sorry, Ryu's hungry...

— Mmmm... come here, little one.

Joong places Ryu next to me, and I offer him the breast. He latches on and starts drinking.

— Mmmm... I wonder what it tastes like?

I look at Joong, surprised.

— Are you curious to try it?

— ...

He blushes. Joong blushing. Oh my God, can a man be sexy in the most masculine way and sweet at the same time? Yes, yes he can.

— I have the other one free if you want to try...

— ...but it's for Ryu.

— I doubt he'll mind sharing with you.

— And you... what do you think?

— I think you're the cutest thing in the world, after your son.

— Hahaha... you're the cute one.

— And I have a nipple waiting for you.

— Hahaha... okay, I'll try it.

— Good.

Joong kneels on the other side, leaning over me, as I'm lying almost on my side to help Ryu latch.

He glances at me out of the corner of his eye. His tongue flicks out, giving a small lick before he wraps his lips around the nipple.

I feel him sucking, similar to Ryu but much more intense.

It gets more intense every second, and sometimes he switches from sucking to licking.

— Joong... I think you should stop... maybe we shouldn't be doing this with Ryu here...

He lets go of my nipple, blinking, and then gives me a teasing smile.

— Does it turn you on?

— ...shut up.

— Hahaha... alright, not in front of Ryu. Noted. But I'm definitely trying again. You have delicious milk, sweetheart.

— Hahaha... you're unbelievable.

— Is he still eating?

— No, I think he fell asleep with the boob in his mouth.

— My boy is smart.

I roll my eyes before kissing him.

— I'm going to put him in his crib. You should get some rest now.

— Alright, thanks, my love.

I smile at him. I pick up Ryu and take him to his crib. I take the chance to update my social media and announce Ryu's arrival to the world. Notifications flood in quickly, and while I'm reading them, Phuwin calls me.

— Hey, uncle.

— Hey, daddy. I'm here with Pond, missing you guys. When are we seeing each other?

— Come over and let Gemini and Forth know. As long as you don't make us cook, we're good.

— I'll cook for you every day if I have to.

— Hahaha... we'll be waiting for you.

— Yay!

We hang up. I peek to make sure Ryu's still asleep. He's so cute. His little ears are a pearly white with a hint of gray, and his tail is the same, with a few darker gray streaks. He's so tiny... and his little fingers remind me of Joong's. What will he be like when he grows up? What kind of personality will he have? Will he be happy?

I promise to do everything I can for you, Ryu.

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