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— Uf... uf... uf...

Time is so relative. Just a week ago, I was complaining about how slowly it was passing... and today, today I came in for the monitor test, and I ended up being admitted. I'm already 6 centimeters! I can't believe I didn't realize...

The doctor thinks I have about 6 hours to go, maybe more.

The contractions hurt a lot. I've decided to endure the pain for as long as I can and try to have a natural birth, so we can go home sooner.

Joong hasn't left my side. If I need water, he already has the glass ready before I can ask for it.

— Hhhhhh... Uffff... that one hurt a little more...

— Are you sure you want to endure the pain, my love? It hurts me to see you in so much pain.

— I'm fine, I'm... hhhhhh....

Another one is coming. I close my eyes to focus and breathe like they taught me in the childbirth classes. Joong places his hand on my lower back again and massages me. A drop of sweat runs down my forehead, and Joong quickly wipes it away before it reaches my eyebrow.

— ... okay... it's over... this hurts a lot...

I give Joong a small smile to reassure him. He's suffering for me. He's so sweet.

— I love you.

— And I love you, my love.

— I'm really proud of you, you're doing amazing.

A tear rolls down my cheek, and Joong catches it with one of his fingers.

— I'm so happy, I can't believe it.

— Hahaha... even with all this pain...

— Even with... ahhhhh... hhhhhhhhhh...

I squeeze his hand as hard as I can, like I want to crush it. He doesn't even flinch at my aggression.

— ... uffff... sorry, my love, did I hurt you?

— Seriously, Dunki? My life, you're the one going through all of this, you can squeeze me as much as you need. It's the least I can do, support you and give you what you need.

He kisses the top of my head.

— Let's see how you're doing, Dunk. Lay down for a moment and put your legs up like before.

I position myself as the doctor asks.

— Mmmm, Dunk, you're ready. How are the contractions? How often do you feel them?

— Hhhhhh... uffff... uffff...

— He's having them about every 4 minutes, doctor.

— Alright, let's get you ready. I need you to stay focused, Dunk, and follow my instructions. Your baby is eager for you to hold him.

— I-I'm ready.

— Good. Joong, please stand on the other side and let him hold your hand. If he doesn't hear me, whisper what I ask him to do, your voice will reach Dunk better. We're going to help Ryu come out of his daddy's belly.

— Yes.

The labor is long, painful, exhausting... and painful again, sooo painful.

When Ryu finally comes out, I feel a burning sensation in my intimate area, and then the next thing I know, I have Ryu in my arms... I can't believe it... he's the most beautiful baby in the world.

— My love, he's perfect, he's a tiny copy of you. I'm so proud of you, you're amazing. Thank you, my love. Thank you for bringing Ryu into our lives.

— Snif... snif...

I can't speak. I'm too emotional. Ryu is in my arms, and all I feel is love. Love for Ryu, love for Joong, love for my family... love for life because it has given me the most precious gift in the world.

— Dunk, are you going to breastfeed or use a bottle?

— ...I... sniff... I want to try... sniff... breastfeeding...

— Great, let me help you get him in position.

He helps me turn on my side with my gown open and explains how to position the baby for a good latch. When Ryu reaches my nipple, I let out a small yelp, and Joong gets worried, thinking it's too painful, but I can handle this pain; it's nothing compared to labor.

— Better?

— Yes... I'm fine. It's just a little uncomfortable.

— Yes, the first time can hurt and feel awkward, but trust yourself and your baby. I'll leave you two for a bit to finish feeding. I'll be back shortly to check on you both, and if everything looks good, we'll move you to your room.

— Thank you, doctor.

— Thank you so much.

— It's my pleasure, guys.

We're left alone. Joong looks at us with so much love that I melt.

— It's impossible to love more than this, I feel like I'm going to explode from all the love I feel for you two.

— Hehehe... you're not allowed to explode, we need you whole, Daddy.

— Hahaha... come here!

With great care, he wraps his arms around us.

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