End of Meeting

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The Great Hall of Starios was bathed in the soft glow of twilight, and the discussions that had filled the room throughout the day were finally coming to a close. The leaders, now sitting in a calm silence, had spent hours deliberating on security, education, and the future of Mirithis. But now, as the sky outside darkened into night, Harry had one more thing to share before everyone left.

Harry stood, his eyes sweeping over the room. The weight of what was coming next was clear on his face. "Before we finish for the night, there's one more thing we need to discuss," he said, his voice steady but carrying an undercurrent of excitement. The leaders sat up, sensing that this was something important.

"I've found a ritual—an ancient spell that will allow us to transfer ourselves, our people, and everything we need to Mirithis when the time is right," Harry continued. His words hung in the air for a moment, met with quiet curiosity.

Draco raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "A ritual? Powerful enough to move entire populations across dimensions?"

Harry nodded. "It's complex, but it's doable. The spell is designed to transport large groups, magical creatures, and their belongings. It will take a significant amount of magical energy, but once we've prepared, it will take us and everything we need directly to Mirithis."

The room buzzed with quiet conversation as the leaders considered the weight of this information. Luna smiled softly, her eyes filled with wonder. "It's like the final step in our journey, isn't it? A spell to take us to our new home."

Lord Valon, always the pragmatist, asked, "What do we need to do to prepare for this? How long will it take to be ready?"

Harry took a deep breath, then with a flick of his wand, a small, glowing model of the galaxy of Zenithara appeared above the table. "The ritual is described in the ancient book I found. It's tied to the magical essence of Mirithis. We'll need to gather in a place of great magical power, and each of us will need to focus on the spell together."

He paused for a moment, then continued. "But before that, there's one practical thing we need to take care of—our belongings. We're moving entire lives to Mirithis, and we need to be ready."

With a wave of his wand, a great pile of shrunken trunks—neatly stacked and minimized to the size of pebbles—appeared at the side of the room. There were so many that the stacks seemed to stretch up toward the ceiling.

"These," Harry said, motioning toward the trunks, "are enchanted trunks. I've prepared 700 million of them."

Gasps echoed through the hall as the leaders stared in awe at the sheer number of trunks.

Draven smirked, glancing at the massive pile. "700 million? That's enough for every wizard and creature in Mirithis to pack an entire continent with them."

Harry chuckled. "That's the idea. Each of these trunks has been charmed to hold an immense amount of space, and once you expand them, they'll serve as personal storage for everyone moving to Mirithis. Your people can pack whatever they need—personal items, tools, magical artifacts, anything they want to bring with them."

Thaldrin, the dragon leader, rumbled with approval. "Very practical. No one will have to leave anything behind."

Caelion, the merpeople leader, nodded. "We'll need these for transporting the underwater structures and treasures from our kingdoms."

Harry began to distribute the shrunken trunks, levitating them into neat piles and giving each leader their share. "I'm trusting each of you to take these trunks to your people. Have them pack their belongings, their magical tools, whatever they need to feel at home in Mirithis. Each trunk has a tag that will allow it to be expanded or shrunk down again, so they'll be easy to transport."

Gringold, the goblin leader, gave a rare nod of respect. "These will ensure a smooth transition for my people. There's a lot we goblins will need to move, and this will make it manageable."

As Harry finished distributing the trunks to each leader, the weight of what was coming next began to settle on everyone in the room. Soon, they wouldn't just be talking about Mirithis—they would be living there, starting fresh on a new planet.

"There's no rush," Harry said. "Take your time to prepare your people. When everyone is packed and ready, we'll gather for the ritual. The word to activate the spell is 'New Home.' When the time comes, we'll be transported to Mirithis together."

The leaders exchanged glances, a mix of excitement and apprehension on their faces. This was the moment they had been preparing for—the final step before moving to a new world. The gravity of the situation was clear to everyone.

Luna spoke softly, "It feels surreal, doesn't it? To know that soon, we'll be leaving this world behind."

Nymira, the faerie leader, smiled warmly. "But we're going to something even more magical. Mirithis will be our new home."

With everything said and done, Harry looked around the room one final time. "Thank you all for your efforts today. You've done incredible work, and we're one step closer to Mirithis. I'll be in touch when it's time for the ritual. For now, go home and prepare your people."

One by one, the leaders stood and bid each other farewell, gathering their groups of shrunken trunks and heading toward the exits. Some were already discussing plans for their people, while others looked contemplative, their thoughts on the monumental journey ahead.

As the last of them left, Harry stood alone in the quiet hall. The moonlight streamed in through the windows, casting a pale glow over the room. It was a strange feeling—knowing that soon, everything would change. He took a deep breath, feeling the weight of responsibility settle on his shoulders, but also a spark of hope.

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