Against the Odds

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Five Hargreeves x Fem!reader

Warnings: none

The sun hung low on the horizon, casting a blood-red hue over the desolate landscape

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The sun hung low on the horizon, casting a blood-red hue over the desolate landscape. Five Hargreeves stood amidst the ruins, his heart pounding as he stared at the chaos unfolding around him. Buildings crumbled, the ground trembled, and the sky swirled with ominous dark clouds. He could feel the world teetering on the brink of collapse.

In the center of the storm stood Y/n, her eyes glowing with an eerie light, her powers raging out of control. Waves of energy pulsed from her, ripping through the air and causing destruction wherever they touched. Her face, usually so kind and gentle, was now a mask of anguish and fear.

"Y/n!" Five shouted, his voice barely audible over the cacophony of destruction. He took a step toward her, his heart aching. "Y/n, you have to stop this!"

Y/n turned to face him, tears streaming down her cheeks. "I can't, Five!" she cried, her voice cracking. "I can't control it! I don't know how to stop!"

Five's mind raced. He knew Y/n's powers were formidable, but he had never seen anything like this. She was a force of nature, and he was helpless against her raw, untamed energy. But he had to try. He had to save her.

Summoning his courage, Five blinked closer to her, his heart pounding in his chest. He reached out, trying to find a way to connect with her amidst the chaos. "Y/n, listen to me," he said, his voice trembling with emotion. "You're stronger than this. You can control it. You have to believe in yourself."

Y/n's eyes widened, and for a moment, Five saw a flicker of recognition in them. But then another wave of energy surged from her, and Five was thrown backward, crashing into the rubble. Pain shot through his body, but he forced himself to stand, his determination unwavering.

Behind him, his siblings—Luther, Diego, Allison, Klaus, and Viktor—watched in horror, unsure of how to help. They had faced apocalypses before, but this felt different. This was personal.

"Five, what do we do?" Viktor shouted, his voice filled with desperation.

Five gritted his teeth, his mind racing. He had to think of something. He couldn't lose Y/n. Not like this. "Stay back!" he yelled to his siblings. "I'll handle this."

Luther, his brow furrowed with concern, took a step forward. "Five, you can't do this alone!"

"She's my wife," Five replied, his voice breaking. "I have to try."

As the ground shook beneath him, Five took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing heart. He blinked closer to Y/n again, this time with a new plan in mind. He had to reach her, not just with words, but with his heart. He had to remind her of who she was, of the love they shared.

"Y/n," he said softly, his voice carrying through the chaos. "Remember our first date? We went to that terrible diner, and nothing went according to plan. But we laughed, and it turned out to be the best night of my life. Remember how we danced in the rain, arguing about which constellation was which?"

Y/n's eyes flickered again, and Five could see the struggle within her. "I remember," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "But I can't control it, Five. It's too much."

Five took another step closer, his heart aching. "You can control it, Y/n. I believe in you. Remember our daughter, Maddie? Remember how happy we were when she was born? You have to fight this, for her, for us."

Tears streamed down Y/n's face, and Five could see the conflict in her eyes. She wanted to stop, but she didn't know how. Five reached out, his hand trembling, and placed it gently on her cheek. "I'm here, Y/n," he said softly. "I'm with you. We'll do this together."

For a moment, everything seemed to pause. The world around them, the chaos, the destruction—it all faded away. It was just the two of them, standing together, connected by their love.

Y/n closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. She focused on Five's touch, on his words, on their memories. Slowly, the energy around her began to wane, the waves of destruction receding. Five felt the tension ease, a glimmer of hope sparking in his chest.

But just as it seemed they might have a chance, a final surge of power erupted from Y/n, knocking Five to the ground. She screamed, the energy consuming her, and Five's heart shattered. He had to do something. He had to save her, even if it meant stopping her.

With a heavy heart, Five blinked back to his siblings, his mind racing. "We need to contain her powers," he said, his voice urgent. "It's the only way to stop this."

Diego nodded, determination in his eyes. "What do you need us to do?"

"We'll create a barrier," Five replied, his voice shaking. "Luther, Viktor, Klaus—Be ready to use your powers as soon as I give you the signal. Allison, if it gets too intense, use your rumor to calm her. I'll try to reach her again."

His siblings sprang into action, forming a circle around Y/n. Five blinked back to Y/n, his heart pounding. He had to reach her. He had to save her.

"Y/n, listen to me," Five said urgently, his voice cracking. "You can control this. Focus on me, on our love. Remember who you are. Remember us."

Y/n's eyes met his, and for a moment, Five saw a glimmer of hope. But the power was too much. She screamed, her energy surging, and the barrier began to crack. Five felt a surge of desperation. He couldn't lose her. Not now.

Taking a deep breath, he did the only thing he could think of. He blinked right in front of her, wrapping his arms around her, holding her tightly. "I love you, Y/n," he whispered, his voice breaking. "I love you so much. Please, come back to me."

For a moment, everything was still. Then, slowly, the energy around them began to fade. Y/n's powers waned, her body trembling in Five's arms. She looked up at him, tears streaming down her face, and for the first time, Five saw recognition in her eyes.

"Five?" she whispered, her voice filled with pain and fear.

"It's me," Five said softly, his own tears falling. "I'm here. We're going to be okay. Just focus on me. I'm with you."

Y/n took a deep breath, closing her eyes. Slowly, her powers faded, the world around them beginning to settle. Five held her tightly, his heart pounding in his chest. They had done it. They had stopped the apocalypse.

As the dust settled, Five's siblings approached, their faces filled with relief and exhaustion. Y/n looked up at them, her eyes filled with regret. "I'm so sorry," she whispered, her voice trembling. "I didn't mean to—"

"It's okay," Luther said softly, his voice filled with understanding. "We know it wasn't your fault."

Diego nodded, placing a hand on her shoulder. "We're family. We stick together, no matter what."

Klaus grinned, wiping a tear from his eye. "And besides, it's not a real Hargreeves apocalypse without a bit of chaos, right?"

Y/n managed a small smile, her eyes filled with gratitude. Five held her close, his heart swelling with love and relief. They had faced the impossible and come out the other side. They were battered, bruised, but they were together.

As they stood amidst the ruins, Five made a silent promise to himself. No matter how difficult things became, he would always fight for his family. For Y/n, for their daughter, for his siblings. They were his world, and he would do anything to protect them.

In that moment, surrounded by his family, Five knew that they would face whatever came next together, stronger and more united than ever. And as he held Y/n close, he whispered softly, "We'll get through this. We always do."

Y/n looked up at him, her eyes filled with love and determination. "Together," she said softly, echoing his words. "We'll get through this together."

Five nodded, his heart full. Together, they could face anything.

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