The Final Paradox

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Five Hargreeves

A/N: I'm still unsure about my stories. I hope you like it

Warnings: drama, sad , sacrifice

The sky above the Academy was dark, roiling with storm clouds that mirrored the turmoil in Number Five's heart

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The sky above the Academy was dark, roiling with storm clouds that mirrored the turmoil in Number Five's heart. He stood alone in the courtyard, the wind tugging at his clothes, his eyes fixed on the house where his family was gathered. Tonight, the paradox would end. One way or another.

Inside, the Hargreeves siblings were oblivious to the impending danger. Luther and Diego were arguing about strategy, Klaus was attempting to mediate with his usual mix of humor and exasperation, Viktor was playing his violin softly, and Allison was reading a bedtime story to her daughter. It was a rare moment of peace, and Five found himself hesitating. Could he really go through with it? Could he sacrifice himself to ensure their safety?

He closed his eyes, memories flooding his mind: the lonely years spent in the apocalypse, the ceaseless hunt for a way back, the countless battles fought side by side with his siblings. They had faced so much together, and yet, this time, he knew he had to face the threat alone.

The Handler's plan was cruelly brilliant. A temporal paradox that threatened to unravel reality itself, centered around Five. If he didn't act, his family would be caught in the crossfire. Their lives would be obliterated in the blink of an eye. But if he removed himself from the equation, the timeline would stabilize, and they would be safe.

Five's decision was made. He had to confront the Handler and put an end to her schemes once and for all. Taking a deep breath, he stepped into the house, bracing himself for the last goodbye.

"Hey, little brother," Luther greeted him with a smile. "We were just talking about how to take down the Commission."

Five forced a smile. "Yeah, about that. I have a plan."

The room fell silent as everyone turned to look at him. "What is it?" Allison asked, concern in her voice.

Five hesitated, searching their faces. "I'm going to confront the Handler alone. It's the only way to stop her and save all of you."

"No," Diego protested immediately. "We do this together, like always."

"This time it's different," Five said, his voice steady. "It has to be me. If I don't go, the paradox will destroy everything."

"Don't talk like that," Viktor pleaded. "There has to be another way."

"There isn't," Five replied, his tone softening. "You all mean the world to me. I've spent so long fighting to keep you safe. This is the only way I can ensure you get to live your lives, free from the Commission, free from danger."

Klaus, usually so quick with a joke, looked uncharacteristically serious. "We'll come with you," he offered. "Even if it's dangerous, we're stronger together."

"I know," Five said, his heart aching. "But this time, I need you to trust me. Stay here, and let me finish this."

Tears welled up in Allison's eyes as she hugged him tightly. "Be careful," she whispered.

One by one, his siblings embraced him, their unspoken love and support giving him the strength to face what lay ahead. As he stepped out of the house, he turned to look at them one last time. "I love you all," he said, his voice breaking.

He didn't wait for their response. In an instant, he blinked out of existence, reappearing in the cold, sterile corridors of the Commission. The Handler was waiting for him, a smug smile on her face.

"Come to surrender?" she taunted.

"Not quite," Five replied, determination blazing in his eyes. "I've come to end this."

The battle was fierce, a whirlwind of temporal energy and brutal combat. Five fought with everything he had, knowing there was no turning back. Finally, with a decisive blow, he destabilized the Handler's device, absorbing the paradox into himself.

As the energy coursed through him, Five felt his existence beginning to unravel. He thought of his family, their faces, their laughter, their love. A sense of peace washed over him. He had done it. They would be safe.

In his final moments, as his form began to fade, he whispered a farewell to the universe. "I love you guys. Be happy."

And then, Number Five was no more.

Back at the Academy, the storm clouds cleared, giving way to a tranquil night. The Hargreeves siblings felt a profound sense of loss, but also a strange sense of peace. They didn't know how, but they knew Five had saved them.

Under the starlit sky, they gathered together, holding on to each other, determined to honor his sacrifice by living the lives he had given everything to protect.

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