Unspoken Love

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Five Hargreeves x Fem!reader

Warnings: none

Y/N had been a constant in his life since they met

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Y/N had been a constant in his life since they met. Her warm smile and kind eyes made even the darkest days bearable. She was 35, graceful and poised, while Five, despite being much older in spirit, was trapped in the body of a 16-year-old. This disparity gnawed at him, creating a chasm he felt he could never bridge.

One evening, as they sat on the porch of her small house, the sky painted with hues of orange and pink, Y/N turned to Five, her expression unusually serious. "Five, there's something I need to tell you."

He looked at her, trying to mask the sinking feeling in his chest. "What is it?"

Y/N took a deep breath, her hands trembling slightly. "I've been holding this in for a long time, and I can't keep it to myself anymore. Five, I'm in love with you."

The words hung in the air, heavy and undeniable. Five's heart pounded in his chest, torn between elation and despair. He had longed to hear those words, but he knew what had to be done.

"Y/N..." he started, his voice catching in his throat. He looked away, unable to meet her eyes. "I don't feel the same way."

Y/N's face fell, hurt flashing in her eyes. "You don't? But... I thought..."

Five clenched his fists, willing himself to continue. "You deserve someone better, Y/N. Someone who doesn't look like a teenager. Someone who can give you the life you deserve."

Tears welled up in Y/N's eyes, and she shook her head. "Five, I don't care about how you look. I care about who you are. You've been through so much, and you've always put others first. I love you for who you are, not for how you look."

Five felt his resolve weakening but forced himself to stay firm. "You say that now, but what about in a few years? When people start to talk? When you start to feel the weight of our differences? I can't do that to you, Y/N. I won't."

Y/N reached out, grabbing his hand. "Let me decide that. Please, don't push me away because of some misguided sense of what's best for me."

He pulled his hand back, standing up abruptly. "It's not misguided, Y/N. It's reality. And the reality is, we can't be together."

Y/N stood as well, her voice breaking. "So that's it? You're just going to walk away?"

Five turned to face her, his eyes filled with a sorrow he couldn't express. "I'm doing this because I care about you, Y/N. Because I want you to be happy."

She shook her head, tears streaming down her face. "You think this is what will make me happy? Losing you?"

Five's heart ached as he took a step back. "You'll move on, Y/N. You'll find someone who can give you everything you deserve."

Before she could say another word, he vanished, using his powers to leave behind the most painful moment of his life.

Days turned into weeks, and Five kept his distance, watching from the shadows as Y/N tried to move on. He saw the pain in her eyes, the way she forced herself to smile when she was with friends. He wanted to comfort her, to tell her that he loved her too, but he stayed away, believing it was for the best.

One night, as he stood on a rooftop overlooking her house, he saw her sitting alone on the porch, the same place where he had broken her heart. She looked up at the sky, lost in thought. Five felt an overwhelming urge to go to her, to hold her and tell her everything would be okay. But he knew he couldn't.

He whispered into the night, hoping somehow she could hear him. "I love you, Y/N. I always will."

And with that, Five turned away, disappearing into the darkness, carrying the weight of unspoken love and a broken heart. He had saved the world countless times, but this was the one battle he knew he couldn't win.

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