Baby Mayhem

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Five Hargreeves x Fem!reader

Warnings: none

Five Hargreeves and his wife have had many adventures, but the greatest adventure was babysitting Diego and Lila's baby, Elena

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Five Hargreeves and his wife have had many adventures, but the greatest adventure was babysitting Diego and Lila's baby, Elena. Diego and Lila needed a break, and since Five and Y/N were the most capable (and arguably most sane) of the siblings, they reluctantly agreed.

Elena, a cherubic little girl with big brown eyes and a mischievous smile, seemed innocent enough. But she had inherited her parents' superpowers. Diego's uncanny knife-throwing accuracy and Lila's power to mimic anyone's abilities combined in a way that resulted in sheer chaos.

It started innocently. Five and Y/N welcomed Diego and Lila at the door, exchanging the usual pleasantries. Diego handed over a diaper bag, looking more nervous than he ever did during a fight.

"Thanks for doing this," Diego said. "Just... be careful."

"Careful? She's a baby," Five scoffed. "How hard can it be?"

Lila smirked. "You'll see."

With that ominous warning, they left, and Five and Y/N were alone with Elena. Y/N lifted her gently, cooing softly. "Aren't you the cutest thing? We're going to have so much fun today."

Five stood by, arms crossed, trying to appear nonchalant. "We've faced worse, Y/N. Piece of cake."

The first sign of trouble came during feeding time. Y/N had prepared a bottle, and as she tried to feed Elena, the baby's eyes locked onto Five's coffee mug on the table. With a flick of her tiny wrist, the mug flew across the room, narrowly missing Five's head.

"Whoa!" Five ducked, eyes wide. "Did she just—"

Y/N laughed nervously. "It's okay, sweetie. Let's try this again."

Elena giggled, clearly enjoying the mayhem she was causing. Over the next hour, the baby demonstrated an impressive range of abilities. She mimicked Five's time-jumping power, blinking in and out of sight and reappearing in random spots around the apartment. Each time, Five and Y/N had to scramble to find her.

"Where did she go now?" Five groaned, looking under the couch.

Y/N pointed to the bookshelf, where Elena was giggling. "How are we supposed to get her down?"

Five sighed, rubbing his temples. "This is going to be a long day."

Things escalated during diaper change time. As soon as Y/N removed Elena's diaper, the baby started teleporting around the room, giggling uncontrollably. Five chased after her, slipping on baby wipes and narrowly avoiding colliding with furniture.

"Elena, stay still!" Five called out, exasperated.

Y/N, trying to stifle her laughter, managed to catch Elena mid-teleport and secure the diaper. "Gotcha! You're a slippery little one, aren't you?"

The afternoon passed in a blur of chaos. Elena used Diego's power to throw toys with alarming precision, knocking over lamps and picture frames. She mimicked Allison's persuasion ability, causing Five to sing ridiculous nursery rhymes and Y/N to dance around the living room. Despite the madness, there were moments of pure joy and laughter.

Finally, as evening approached, Elena began to tire out. Y/N managed to get her into pajamas, and Five read her a story. Elena's eyelids drooped, and she eventually fell asleep in Y/N's arms.

Five and Y/N collapsed onto the couch, exhausted but relieved. "We survived," Five said, his voice tinged with disbelief.

Y/N chuckled, brushing a strand of hair from her face. "Barely. But she's adorable, isn't she?"

Five nodded, a soft smile forming on his lips. "Yeah, she is. But next time, we're setting some ground rules with Diego and Lila."

As if on cue, the doorbell rang, and Diego and Lila returned, looking refreshed and grateful. "How did it go?" Lila asked, taking a sleepy Elena from Y/N's arms.

"Piece of cake," Five replied with a smirk, exchanging a knowing glance with Y/N.

Diego raised an eyebrow. "Really?"

Y/N laughed. "Let's just say she's a handful, but we managed."

As they said their goodbyes, Five and Y/N closed the door and turned to each other. "Next time, let's just have a normal, quiet day," Five suggested.

Y/N nodded in agreement, leaning into him. "Absolutely. But I have to admit, it was kind of fun."

Five sighed, pulling her close. "Yeah, it was. But let's not make a habit of it."

They shared a laugh, grateful for their quiet home and each other, ready to face whatever craziness the next day might bring—hopefully without any super-powered babies.

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