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Five Hargreeves x Fem!reader

Warnings: None


The sun cast long shadows over the courtyard of the Umbrella Academy, painting the aging walls in hues of gold and crimson. Number Five stood alone, his eyes fixed on the Horizon as he sipped his coffee. The bitter taste was a small comfort in the maelstrom of his thoughts. He had faced countless dangers, traveled through time, and fought to save the world more times than he cared to remember, yet nothing compared to the turmoil within his heart.

Y/N had been a constant in his life since he had returned from the apocalypse. She was his best friend, his confidant, and the one person who saw through the gruff exterior he presented to the world. She was a whirlwind of joy and spontaneity, a stark contrast to his calculated and often cynical demeanor. But beneath the teenage exterior of Number Five was the soul of a man who had lived for decades. He was in love with her, and it tormented him daily.

"Brooding again, I see," Klaus's voice broke through his reverie. Number Five glanced sideways to see his brother approaching, a knowing smile on his face.

"What do you want, Klaus?" Five asked, his tone sharper than he intended.

Klaus flopped down on the bench beside him, twirling a lollipop he had found God-knows-where. "Oh, nothing much. Just noticed you've been staring into the distance a lot lately. Thought you might need someone to talk to. Or at least someone to listen while you pretend you don't need to talk."

Five rolled his eyes but didn't respond. Klaus had an uncanny ability to get under his skin, yet he was also the only one who could see through his masks. They sat in silence for a moment, the air heavy with unspoken words.

"It's about Y/N, isn't it?" Klaus finally said, his voice uncharacteristically gentle.

Five's grip tightened around his coffee cup. "What makes you say that?"

Klaus shrugged, but his eyes were serious. "You've changed since she came into your life. You're... softer, more human. And you've got that look, the one people get when they're hopelessly in love."

Five's laugh was hollow. "It doesn't matter. She can never know."

"Why not? You deserve to be happy, Five."

Five turned to face him, his expression pained. "Look at me, Klaus. I'm trapped in a sixteen-year-old's body. Y/N is thirty-five. Even if she could see past the physical, what kind of life could we have?"

Klaus placed a hand on his brother's shoulder. "Love isn't about what's on the outside. Y/N cares about you for who you are. And if she's truly your friend, she might surprise you."

Five shook his head. "I can't risk it. If she knew how I felt, it would change everything. I'd rather have her as a friend than not at all."

Klaus sighed, knowing there was little he could do to change Five's mind. "Just promise me one thing, okay? Don't close yourself off completely. You deserve a chance at happiness, no matter how complicated it is."

Five nodded, appreciating his brother's words even if he couldn't fully accept them. "Thanks, Klaus."

Days turned into weeks, and Five continued to bury his feelings, throwing himself into his work with the Academy. Y/N remained a constant, her laughter and light a balm to his weary soul. They spent their evenings in her small apartment, poring over old records and debating the finer points of history. Her presence was a comfort, even if it also served as a reminder of what he could never have.

One evening, as they sat together on her couch, the atmosphere shifted. Y/N turned to him, her eyes searching his face. "You've been distant lately, Five. Is everything okay?"

He forced a smile. "Just a lot on my mind."

"You know you can talk to me about anything, right?" she said softly, placing a hand on his arm.

The warmth of her touch sent a jolt through him, and he looked away, afraid she might see the truth in his eyes. "I know, Y/N. Thank you."

She studied him for a moment longer, then sighed, leaning back. "Just remember, you're not alone. You've got me, and the rest of the Academy. We're family."

Family. The word hung heavy in the air, a bittersweet reminder of the lines he could never cross. He nodded, swallowing the lump in his throat. "I know. And I'm grateful for that."

As the night wore on, Klaus's words echoed in his mind. Maybe one day he would find the courage to tell Y/N how he felt, to risk the friendship they had built for the chance at something more. But for now, he would continue to love her from a distance, cherishing the moments they shared and the light she brought into his life.

For Number Five, time had always been both an ally and an enemy. And as he watched Y/N laugh at one of Klaus's ridiculous jokes during a family dinner, he knew that no matter what the future held, he would treasure every second he had with her.

Because in the end, love was timeless, and so was his devotion to her.

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