Culinary Catastrophe

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Five Hargreeves x Fem!reader

Warnings: none

Five Hargreeves was not one to shy away from a challenge

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Five Hargreeves was not one to shy away from a challenge. He had faced apocalyptic threats, time travel mishaps, and family drama with a calm demeanor. But tonight, he was taking on a different kind of challenge: cooking a romantic dinner for his wife, Y/N.

Five had meticulously planned the evening. He had chosen a recipe for her favorite dish, set the table with candles and flowers, and even picked out a nice bottle of wine. He wanted everything to be perfect.

As Y/N was out running errands, Five started in the kitchen with an air of confidence. How hard could it be? He had faced the end of the world multiple times; surely, a simple dinner would be a piece of cake. He rolled up his sleeves and got to work.

Things began to unravel almost immediately. The first sign of trouble came when he couldn't find the right ingredients. He had forgotten to buy fresh basil, and the grocery store only had dried herbs. "No problem," he thought, "I'll make do."

Then, he realized he didn't know how to properly dice an onion. What should have been a quick task turned into a tearful, uneven mess. By the time he had the onion somewhat chopped, his eyes were stinging so much he had to take a break.

Determined to press on, Five moved to the stove. He was supposed to sauté the onions until they were golden brown, but he got distracted looking for a misplaced spatula. The onions burned, filling the kitchen with smoke.

"Damn it," Five muttered, opening the window to clear the air. He tossed the charred onions and started over, this time paying closer attention.

Next, he tried to make the sauce. The recipe called for a delicate balance of spices, cream, and tomatoes. Five, thinking he could eyeball the measurements, ended up with a concoction that was either too salty, too spicy, or just plain odd-tasting. Each attempt got progressively worse, and he was rapidly running out of ingredients.

Meanwhile, the pasta was supposed to be al dente, but Five misjudged the timing and ended up with a pot of mushy noodles. He groaned in frustration, his once pristine kitchen now a battlefield of dirty dishes, spilled ingredients, and a burned potholder.

Just as he was about to give up, the front door opened, and Y/N walked in. She sniffed the air, her brow furrowing. "What's that smell?" she called out, heading towards the kitchen.

Five, who had flour on his shirt and sauce splattered on his face, turned to face her with a sheepish grin. "Uh, surprise?"

Y/N took in the scene: the chaotic kitchen, the failed attempts at dinner, and her frazzled husband. She couldn't help but burst into laughter. "Oh, Five, what happened?"

Five rubbed the back of his neck, looking slightly embarrassed. "I wanted to cook you a nice dinner, but it turns out saving the world is easier than making pasta."

Y/N walked over and kissed him on the cheek. "It's the thought that counts. Thank you for trying. It means a lot."

Five smiled, relieved that she wasn't upset. "How about we order takeout and call it a night?"

Y/N nodded, still chuckling. "That sounds perfect. We can even eat it by candlelight."

As they waited for the delivery, Five and Y/N cleaned up the kitchen together, turning the mishap into a fun, shared experience. They ended up sitting on the floor, eating pizza by candlelight and laughing about Five's culinary catastrophe.

"I guess I should stick to what I'm good at," Five said, taking a bite of his slice.

Y/N shook her head, smiling fondly at him. "You're good at a lot of things, Five. But tonight, you've proven that you're also good at making me feel loved. And that's what really matters."

Five pulled her close, grateful for her understanding. "I love you, Y/N. Even if I'm a terrible cook."

Y/N kissed him softly. "I love you too, Five. And for the record, I think you'd make a great chef with a little practice."

Five laughed, holding her tighter. "Maybe. But for now, I'm just happy to be with you."

The night might not have gone as planned, but it ended up being perfect in its own way. Five and Y/N realized that sometimes, the best memories are made when things go hilariously wrong.

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