Timeless Connection

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Five Hargreeves x Fem!reader

Warnings: none

Five Hargreeves was ten years old when he first met Y/N

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Five Hargreeves was ten years old when he first met Y/N. It was a sunny afternoon, and he had sneaked out of the Academy grounds, seeking a moment of solace away from his demanding family and rigorous training. He found himself at a small, secluded park where he spotted a girl about his age sitting alone on a swing.

"Hi," Five said, approaching her with a curious expression. "What are you doing here all by yourself?"

The girl looked up, startled, but then smiled. "I like the quiet. It's my thinking spot. I'm Y/N."

"Five," he replied, taking the swing next to her. "Five Hargreeves."

"Five?" Y/N giggled. "That's a strange name."

"It's a long story," Five said, shrugging. "Why are you here alone?"

"My parents are always busy," Y/N explained, kicking her feet to start swinging gently. "I come here to read and think."

They spent the afternoon talking, sharing stories and dreams. Five felt an unusual sense of peace around Y/N, a feeling he hadn't experienced in the chaotic world of the Umbrella Academy. But as the sun began to set, Five knew he had to return.

"I have to go," he said reluctantly. "But maybe I'll see you around?"

Y/N nodded, her eyes twinkling. "I'd like that."

Years passed, and the memory of that day remained a bright spot in Five's mind. After getting stuck in the apocalypse and spending decades alone, he finally reunited with his family and averted the end of the world. Life slowly returned to a semblance of normalcy, but that childhood encounter with Y/N stayed with him.

One day, as he strolled through the city, Five felt a pull toward the same park where he had met Y/N all those years ago. Curiosity and nostalgia guided his steps, and soon he found himself standing near the old swings.

"Five?" a voice called out, filled with a mix of disbelief and recognition.

He turned, and there she was—Y/N. She was no longer the little girl he remembered but a grown woman, her eyes still holding that same sparkle.

"Y/N," Five breathed, his heart pounding with a strange mix of joy and nerves.

Y/N walked closer, her eyes studying his face. "It's really you, isn't it? Five Hargreeves."

Five nodded, a small smile tugging at his lips. "It's me. I never forgot that day."

Y/N smiled, a soft laugh escaping her. "I never did either. I always wondered what happened to you."

"It's a long story," Five said, echoing his childhood words. "But I'm here now."

They sat on the swings, just like they had as kids, and talked. Five shared his incredible journey through time, and Y/N listened, her eyes wide with amazement and empathy. They laughed about their childhood dreams and marveled at how fate had brought them back together.

As the sun began to set, Five looked at Y/N, his heart full. "I never thought I'd see you again. But here you are."

"Here I am," Y/N echoed, reaching out to take his hand. "And I'm not going anywhere."

Five squeezed her hand, feeling a profound sense of peace. They had been separated by time and fate, but now, they had a chance to build a future together.

As they walked away from the park, hand in hand, Five felt a sense of completeness. He had faced apocalypses and time travel, but finding Y/N again felt like his greatest victory. They were no longer the children they once were, but their connection had stood the test of time. And now, they had a lifetime to explore it.

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