A New Addition

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Five Hargreeves x reader

A/N: I'm sorry but Mr. Pennycrumb deserve better, So here it is :)

Warnings: None

It all started one sunny Saturday morning when Five and his girlfriend, Y/N, decided to take a stroll through the park

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It all started one sunny Saturday morning when Five and his girlfriend, Y/N, decided to take a stroll through the park.

As they walked hand in hand, Y/N pointed to a group of puppies playing in a pen set up by a local animal shelter. "Oh, Five, look at them! Aren't they adorable?"

Five glanced over, raising an eyebrow. "Adorable? Sure. But we don't have time for a dog."

Y/N gave him a playful nudge. "Come on, Mr. Time-Travel Warrior. We could use some normalcy in our lives. Let's just go look."

Reluctantly, Five followed her to the pen. A dozen puppies tumbled around, chasing each other and wagging their tails. Among them was a small, scruffy terrier with a slightly crooked ear and the most soulful eyes Five had ever seen. The pup trotted over to them, wagging his tail furiously.

Y/N knelt down, scratching the dog behind his ears. "Hey there, little guy. Aren't you the cutest?"

Five crossed his arms, trying to remain indifferent, but the dog's big, brown eyes were hard to resist. "He's alright, I suppose."

Y/N laughed. "Five, I think he likes you."

The terrier looked up at Five, tail wagging even faster. Five sighed, kneeling down to pet the dog. "Alright, alright. What's his name?"

One of the shelter volunteers overheard and approached them with a smile. "His name is Mr. Scruffy, but you can rename him if you decide to adopt."

Y/N looked at Five, her eyes sparkling with hope. "What do you think?"

Five sighed, already knowing he couldn't say no to Y/N—or the dog. "Alright, we'll adopt him. But we're changing his name. How about... Mr. Pennycrumb?"

Y/N raised an eyebrow, then burst into laughter. "Mr. Pennycrumb? That's perfect."

The adoption process was quick, and soon they were walking home with Mr. Pennycrumb trotting happily beside them. Five couldn't help but smile at the sight of Y/N's joy and the dog's exuberance.

Once home, Mr. Pennycrumb quickly made himself comfortable, exploring every nook and cranny of their apartment. Five watched with amusement as the dog sniffed around, eventually curling up on the couch.

As the weeks went by, Mr. Pennycrumb became a beloved member of their little family. He was a source of endless entertainment, his antics bringing laughter and light into their lives. Five, who had always been serious and focused, found himself unwinding in ways he hadn't thought possible.

One evening, as they sat on the couch with Mr. Pennycrumb nestled between them, Y/N looked over at Five with a contented smile. "I'm glad we adopted him. He's brought so much joy into our lives."

Five nodded, scratching the dog behind his ears. "Yeah, he has. I didn't realize how much we needed him."

Mr. Pennycrumb let out a contented sigh, his eyes half-closed in bliss. Five leaned over, kissing Y/N softly. "Thank you for convincing me to adopt him."

Y/N smiled, resting her head on his shoulder. "Thank you for agreeing. You know, you've got a soft spot after all."

Five chuckled, wrapping an arm around her. "Only for you and Mr. Pennycrumb."

As they sat together, the room filled with warmth and love, Five realized that adopting the dog was one of the best decisions they'd ever made. Mr. Pennycrumb had brought them closer, giving them a sense of normalcy and happiness amidst the chaos of their lives. And for the first time in a long while, Five felt truly at peace.

Their new addition had done more than just become a pet; he had become a symbol of their love and the life they were building together.

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