Chapter 6

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Taehyung was confused for a moment, not understanding the reason behind the sudden change in his soon-to-be ex husband's behaviour... He slightly tilted his head and darted his tongue out to capture the candy floss and once he succeed, Taehyung looked at Hoseok "He is none of your business... that also is none of your business and lastly, mind your own business"

Saying that he took another generous amount of candy floss into his mouth... Hoseok was about to snap on him when he saw a paper bag full of medicines was on Taehyung's other hand and his jealousy immediately turned into a worried one "Why are you having this many medicines? "

Now, the younger male's blood ran cold... He cannot tell about his illness because Hoseok has no right to know about it... "Uh- it's for Appa" Stupid, he was or he thought Hoseok because when the older chuckled darkly, he knew that Hoseok had caught his lie... Why does it have to be so easy for him to know what is going on in Taehyung's mind? "You are a bad liar, Taehyung... A person in coma will eat a handful of medicines? Also, stop looking up when you lie... it becomes easy to predict"

Taehyung rolled his eyes "If I am lying it clearly means I. DON'T. WANT. TO. TELL please go to hell and for fuck sake mind your own business " he tried to act strong but mentally cursed himself when Hoseok snatched the bag from him and called his body guard in ''Get these checked and let me know what these meds are for'' he passed the beg to the guard while noticing Taehyung's each and every move

The younger male tried to reach out for the paper bag but Hoseok held him firm, due to the weakness he has been facing lately made him weak so much so that he couldn't get himself out of his husband's grasp... "What is wrong with you? First, you cheated on me... then you deliberately left me and my child to die... not even 7 days into the grief, you asked for divorce... and now, when I am willing to let you go and have a peaceful life with your bed warmer, are you concerned about my well being? Why does it matters to if I live or die? Can't have a little peace in my life for once?"

Hoseok rolled his eyes and asked the guard to leave with the beg then he shifted his gaze to his husband and pulled him by his waist making their bodies pressed against each other "You are mine means you have no right to question me... You can't get rid of me this easily, Jung Taehyung... Because I am not divorcing you"

Taehyung's heart hammered against his chest, the tumult of emotions threatening to overwhelm him as the older male's words reverberated in the air like a sinister echo... The weight of their shared history, the betrayals and heartaches, hung between them like an unspoken truth, casting a shadow over whatever fragile semblance of peace they had managed to find...

As their bodies pressed against each other, the heat of their proximity igniting a tempest of conflicting emotions, the younger male could feel the weight of Hoseok's gaze boring into him, a silent challenge that dared him to defy the constraints of their shared existence... "Why not? Isn't that what you wanted for so long?

Hoseok tilted his head with a smitty smirk "I wanted to make you suffer and now that I know your suffering lies in this marriage I won't divorce you" saying so he left Taehyung's waist after noticing the arrival of the guard... He motioned the guard to go to his study room "Always remember that you are mine and you will always be mine" he whispered against the younger's ear before intentionally biting his earlobe

The weight of Hoseok's words bore down upon Taehyung like a suffocating blanket, the realisation sinking in with a sickening finality... In that moment, he understood with chilling clarity the depths of Hoseok's depravity, the extent to which he would go to assert his dominance and control... "You disgust me" Taehyung couldn't help but make a foul face at his husband... a man he once loved with his everything

Hoseok looked at him then deliberately ignored him and went to his home office...

Taehyung was about to go back to his bedroom but his steps halted feeling a sudden wave of dizziness "W-water" he said somehow managing to sit on the couch... The maid immediately rushed with a glass of water which he gulped down immediately not realising how big of a mistake it was because the next thing he knew a wave of nausea came complementary with his dizziness making him feel 10 times more miserable than before

With each breath, the world seemed to spin faster, the room tilting at precarious angles as nausea churned in the pit of his stomach...

The maid's concerned gaze bore into him with a mixture of sympathy and apprehension, her hands hovering anxiously as if unsure of how to alleviate his suffering... Taehyung managed to offer her a weak smile of gratitude before the onslaught of sickness overwhelmed him once more, rendering him helpless against its relentless assault... "I am fine" he managed to utter before slowly and carefully making his way towards the bedroom...

In the middle of the night, Taehyung heard the door of his bedroom being open and close in a swift motion, he could already sense Hoseok's presence in the dark room but what he wasn't expecting for his husband to do was to hug him from behind and embrace him against his chest "My little tiger~" His voice made it clear that Hoseok was drunk or else, he would have never touched the younger male... "Why are you going away from me, my little tiger~" It's been so long since he heard Hoseok calling him by that nickname

"Aren't you the one who wanted the divorce just 7 days after killing my son?" Taehyung mumbled in a whispering voice, for some reason even after knowing that he should kick the older male out of his room he still let himself be hugged by his husband but was expecting the older male to sob? Because he legit started crying like a toddler "He was my child too... I never wanted that to happen, you know how to swim, Minnie doesn't… that's why I saved him thinking you will be able to save yourself "

That statement only piqued Taehyung's anger... He turned around, still being in the older male's arms and glared at his husband "are you fucking stupid? Even though I could swim, I was 7 months pregnant... In the middle of the ocean, my foot was stuck in the fish net but you only cared about your bastard child and mistress... I can't believe you" the disgust was evident in Taehyung's eyes making Hoseok's heart clench... But the younger male noticed how His husband's expressions turned dark and dangerous... As if he has remembered something...

"You are crying over a child that wasn't even in this world... I agree that whatever happened wasn't the baby's fault but what was my brother's fault Tae? Why your father killed him?"

*No Proofread*

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