Chapter 28

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"Seok Please"

"For the last time, No"

"I knew it, you don't love me anymore... that's why you are saying no" Taehyung whined as he put his head on Jimin's lap, currently... they are all sitting in the living room while Jiwon and Yeonjun are playing in the backyard, under Cheol's watch... Here, Taehyung is trying to convince his husband for this mind-blowing plan where Yoongi and Jungkook will pretend to be multi-billionaires and Hoseok will introduce them to Mr. Jung where Jungkook can seduce the older male... Yeah, it sounds weird but this is their best plan...

"Taehyung" Hoseok warned even though his voice was calm but yet firm and somewhat cold "Okay I got it... No it's okay i am dying anyway then why will my last wish matter to you... Jimin hyung please help me pack my bags I am leaving and this time for good" Jimin gave a confused look making the younger male secretary winked at him silently asking him to continue

"Oh... Okay... I am sorry Tae... He is doing this to you... I will help you" he tried to go with the flow, making the oldest among three signs and pulling his whiny baby up, straight to his lap "Darling... You do know what you both are planning to do is risky, right? I know you want to prove your father innocent, and even if I am still not over the fact that evidences are lies... But I also can't ignore the fishy behaviour of my parents... So, I am supporting you both but why to use Jungkook as a bait, My little tiger?"

Taehyung pouted and started playing with his husband's shirt button "Seee you don't have to believe me or my Appa but I have my full faith in my father and i can do anything to prove him innocent and about Kook i know it's risky and I am already really guilty about it but at the same time I do have full faith in Jimin hyung's plan as well.... "

Hoseok pecked the younger male's cheek... "Fineeeeeeeeeee... But I am still not very convinced... However, if you both have already decided... And this makes you happy... I won't be the one to stop you..." Taehyung's eyes sparkled with joy and he squealed happily before hugging his husband tightly "Even if you are an asshole... I love you... Thank you soooooooooo muchhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

Hoseok tightened his hold around his husband's waist and kissed his forehead "I love you more my little tiger... Also now that I am agreeing to you about this risky place can you agree with me about your treatment? Please baby"

Taehyung pulled away from the hug and glared at his husband... "If I get to prove my father innocent, I will think about it... Till then... Don't mention anything about the treatment" before Hoseok or Jimin could argue, he stood up "Isabel, bring my tea to the room" with that, Taehyung disappeared in his room...

Hoseok sighed feeling defeated "You are dumb Seokie... And honestly after what you did you deserve a little punishment, be glad that he has forgiven you now it's your duty to make him forget everything... Dumbo, stand up and go to him... he fucking needs you..."

Jimin said with a duh tone before leaving to check on his kids... The oldest sighed and walked towards their bedroom... Where Taehyung was already covered in the blanket... Hoseok smiled and locked the door... Making sure nobody disturbs them this time... "My little tiger~ Jagiya~" he made his way towards the bed and removed his t-shirt in the process... Hoseok jumped on the bed and removed the blanket

Taehyung glared at him and tried to cover himself with the blanket again but Hoseok held it firmly "My little tiger~... I love you" saying that he hugged his husband who rolled his eyes before turning his back towards the older male, "Baby~" Hoseok softly asked caressing his husband's waist "WHAT"

The older male placed a small peck on Taehyung's neck later to nuzzle in and breathe his favourite scent... "I know you are upset... And trust me... There is no apology in the world that can make up for the pain I have caused you... Few days back, you asked me will I regret hurting you if your father is proven innocent... Trust me... I have regretted it every day..." he held Taehyung's hand and placed it on the right side of his torso... The younger male could feel the cut lines on his husband's skin... "I am sorry... I am sorry for hurting you... I am sorry for every mean thing I have said to you... I am sorry for saying that I want you dead but trust me... If anything happened to you... I will die... I will die before you and turn our baby against you... Will complain to our son how much of a hitting machine you are"

Taehyung scoffed and took a pillow and started hitting his husband "I always knew you had a plan to turn my son against me... I swear if you even think about it i will kill you with my bare hands " he said still hitting his husband but then he threw the pillow and attached his lips with his husband's "Also I dare you to even think about dying and you will fucking taste my slippers "

Hoseok pulled the younger male in another passionate kiss, slipping his one hand Under Taehyung's t-shirt, caressing the warm flesh... But before things could escalate, a knock interrupted them "Sir, your tea"

"Yeah wait" saying that he tried to get up but Hoseok pulled him back "Don't leave please ~" the younger male wanted to continue but should he? He still remembers 2 years ago when he was at work, burning in fever his manager offered to drop him back home after seeing his condition and after getting to know about that, Hoseok called him didn't hold back before slut shaming he even said that he highly doubts that Taehyung was pregnant with his child or that other person's "Please Hoseok I want to peacefully have my tea"

The older male went silent and slowly let go of his husband... Because it's rare for Taehyung to take his name like that... Hoseok stood up and went to open the door, Isabel smiled before entering in... Hoseok walked out "Minnie... Can you give me the shoulder massage" he purposely said it out loud to make sure Taehyung hears it "My back is also hurting"

Taehyung's grip around the cup handle tightened "I wanna have more tea, get it ready and give me in a flux, also bring that in the guest room... And remember if Hoseok asks, no need to mention that I am in the guest room... Now go" saying that he made his way out while taking angry sips on that hot goodness

But when he walked into the living room, he was stopped by the scene where Yeonjun and Ji-won were playing a blindfold game with Hoseok...

He legit felt like pouring that hot tea on his husband's head but again he was too nice to do so... He huffed and was about to make his way towards the guest room when "APPA~" The toddler excitedly screamed before making his way towards his Appa who was quick to pick him up "Pay bith us" he asked showing that pleading eyes which no one has the power to reject especially not Taehyung who now love this child more than his life... The raven haired male gulped and was trying to best to find a right word to reject which won't hurt this adorable baby but before he could say something Jiwon also joined his baby brother "Tae uncle~.... Please play with us" now that's it Taehyung doesn't have the power to upset these adorable babies "Of course my babies, come let's play"

Art: Please don't mind when Ji-won gets referred to as 'Him' or 'his'... It happens and we are too lazy to change it...

As they began the game, Taehyung found himself immersed in the joy of the moment, momentarily forgetting the earlier irritation... Yeonjun's infectious laughter and Ji-won's adorable antics washed away any lingering traces of annoyance, leaving only happiness in its wake... But his breath hitched when Hoseok wrapped his arms around Taehyung's waist, making his clothed chest come in contact with Hoseok's bare one... "Got ya~" the older male whispered in his husband's ear

Who's smile suddenly faded... He gently pushed his husband a little "Babies if you don't mind can I rest for a while? I am not feeling that good'' he asked making both the kids especially the youngest pout "Pleas Appa pay~" he pleaded

Hoseok removed his blindfold and looked at his husband with a bittersweet smile... "You guys play, dadda has an important call to make" he excused himself before giving one final glance to his husband... Yeonjun pouted sadly as he wanted to play with his both parents... "Me no wan pay... noboly tak chu me" he stomped his feet and ran towards Jimin's room...

*No Proofread*

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