Chapter 11

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Next time Taehyung woke up was by two tiny hands patting his cheeks softly "Appa... Appa'' The raven haired male groaned and woke up with a heavy head... "Ughh" he felt dizzy, blinking quite a few times, he got used to the surroundings... They were in a small room which was made of wood... Yeonjun was sitting on his stomach while Jimin was sitting on the another single bed, eating bread. "You want to eat then ask, I am not sharing mine..."

"Dude the level of nausea I am feeling I highly doubt if I ever wanna eat anything at all" Saying that he again closed his eyes and pulled the toddler clothes to his chest who immediately smiled snuggling to the embrace of the man he calls his Appa... After some time when his dizziness reduced a bit he asked while kissing the toddler's forehead who smiled widely " Where are we?" Taehyung asked, earning a shrug from the older male "Kidnapped" making the raven haired male nod "Ohh..."

But then his eyes grew wide and sat straight, making him hold Yeonjun carefully... "What? We are kidnapped... and you are chill about it? What the fuck dude?" Jimin sighed and looked at the younger male with a done face "What do you expect me to do? Fight them? The people who gave milk to Yeonie and bread for me to eat the moment we woke up? The old woman even made a diaper for him from her clothes... So? I better keep myself well fed until they make a ransom call" As if it was the cue, 3 men walked in with knives in their hands... "Good that you are awake..."

"Why did you keep us hostage?" Taehyung fearfully asked making everyone except for the toddler give him a weird look "Of course for money you dumbass" Jimin said rolling his eyes before continuing with his munching

"I know that..." Taehyung glared at the older male by few months and turned his attention back at the kidnappers, now that he has been taking  a good look of them, Taehyung could easily say the two of the three are just teenagers and their attire make them look like they are tribals "We actually came there for some free food, you know the leftovers and that's when we heard people talking about Jung's beloved grandson and future son-in-law... We took that as an opportunity to make some money" the kid sheepishly said...

Taehyung gave them an intense look "What are you gonna do with the money" the raven haired male asked with an raised eyebrow making the teens look at each other with a nervous look "We wanna continue our studies " they pouted while looking down... Taehyung hummed "So how much are you planning to ask for us?"

Both the teenagers nudged the older male "Jun hyung... Say something" the guy named Jun, who was mesmerised by Taehyung's beauty was so lost in the sight that he forgot he was a kidnapper... "Umm maybe 2 Million Won" The statement made both Taehyung and Jimin to facepalm "You kidding me? You kidnapped Jung Hoseok's husband and son for 2 Million Won? Like seriously?" Jimin questioned "Why? He cannot afford that much? we thought he was rich... how about a million?"

"Dude shut up... At least ask for a few billion dollars and you three better use that money for good cause such as education and health care I swear if I got to know that you used this money for drugs and all I am surely gonna beat you with my slippers " Taehyung threatened which made everyone look at him with amusement

"What? Billion dollars? How much does billion means Jun hyung?" the teenager asked while tugging on the older male's shirt, but something changed in Jun's aura. He can't believe that a person he kidnapped is asking him to increase the money... Without a thought, he put the knife on Taehyung's throat "Who are you and Why do you think I will believe you?" Jimin was quick to answer, knowing the raven haired male would say something really stupid to get his ass killed "If I were you, wouldn't even think of hurting this man... He is Jung Hoseok's most precious possession... So you better watch out and about the money, he is right... If you ask for 1 or 2 million, Hoseok will think that you all are joking and won't hesitate to turn this place into ashes... Especially when you have his son and husband"

"Also, Jimin please hold Junie for a while" Taehyung calmly said and the older by a few months immediately obeyed he held Yeonjun in his arms as tightly as he could who was whining to be back in his Appa's embrace "Wanna kill me?Do it but if I don't die from these weak attempts of yours I swear you will be in hell lot of trouble you young man "

Jun took a step back, somewhere scared of the boldness this dude had... "Woah there, chill man... I had no idea Jung Hoseok was married, we heard that he will marry in future, chill '' Taehyung clenched his fist at the thought of Hoseok marrying Jimin... he doesn't like the idea, not at all... "Yeah... you heard it right... I am about to divorce him but he is denying... However, I will convince him and he can marry his bed warmer aka this man" he pointed at Jimin, who gave a disgusted look to Taehyung "Excuse me? Don't you dare call me with that name again..."

Taehyung scoffed "why? Does the truth upset you this much? You didn't feel any shame before going after a married man with a pregnant husband? Why is this term disgusting now?" He snapped at the older by a few months and Jun also with the two teenagers didn't dare to utter a single word with a fear of being killed by this raven haired male

"I didn't go after your husband... Because before you met him, he was my friend and on top of everything... He was my brother-in-law... I would never cheat on my husband, who is not in this world, all thanks to your father, you asshole" Jimin snapped. This was the first time for Yeonjun to see his Minnie this mad... as the silver blonde haired male has always been gentle... "And no, I am not your husband's fucking bedwarmer... I would never sleep with any man willingly... if I had to... I would have done that in all these years of my husband's passing…" Taehyung's eyebrows furrowed, he had no idea that Hoseok's brother was married

"What's fucking wrong with you all? Why the fuck you guys are countlessly accusing my father when that poor thing is on his death bed for years and I don't buy your lies because until he cheated on me with you he was the most sweetest man on the world but then he left me and my child die to save you... Now please don't you lie you must have been overjoyed that a major reason to hold him back was gone right?" Taehyung now had tears in his eyes

Jimin made confused Yeonjun sit on the bed while the other three men also sat down to watch the free show... "Oh really? For someone who has a daughter around 7 years old and a son, I would never wish that for anyone... Hoseok and I have nothing going on... Your father killed Wonwoo, Mr. Jung gave all the evidence to Hoseok... When he got them crossed checked, it was clear that Mr. Kim was Wonwoo's rival for a project and to get my husband out of his way, he got Wonwoo killed... for 1 month, fucking 1 month my husband's body was in the ocean... Your sick man ruined my life... I was 6 months pregnant when Wonwoo went missing, do you have any idea how it feels when you have to roam around everywhere with a bump to find your missing husband? Do you know how my life crumbled into pieces when they called Hoseok's to confirm the dead body... I didn't even get to see him for the last time, because I was 7 months into pregnancy, they didn't allow me to see his face... I lost my husband because of your father, my daughter never got a chance to meet her dadda... What was my fault?"

Taehyung's heart clenched hearing Jimin's words and tears were rolling down from his cheeks like a river "H-how do I believe that you are telling the truth? When Seok himself told me he is cheating on me with you?"

Jimin wiped his tears and took a deep breath "I know you won't believe me but I will still tell you my part of the story, I don't know what Hoseok has told you because he is blinded by the idea of seeking revenge for his brother's death... That night, Mr. Jung and Mrs. Jung hosted a party, they asked me to come and even if I didn't want to, they insisted saying they are missing Ji-Won so I had to... Hoseok was also there... I drank juice and felt dizzy... the next thing I knew Hoseok and I were naked in the bed the next morning... When I asked, Hoseok said the same thing about not knowing how he ended up in the room... He was going to come clean to you when Mr. Jung showed him the evidence"

Taehyung scoffed "Okay for a second let's believe everything you are saying is true like my father committed a sin, you are Hoseok's brother-in-law, you guys have nothing going on with each other, okay I believe it... Still, what was my child's fault? He was Hoseok's son as well, right? What did he do wrong that he left him for dying? If my father had committed these sins then maybe I deserved getting torched by your so-called brother in law


*No Proofread*

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