Chapter 10

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The next morning, Hoseok carried the sleeping Yeonjun in his arms knowing that if he wakes up, there is no way the toddler would want to leave... Taehyung didn't want to let Yeonjun go... But he has no right to stop the child... He placed a gentle kiss on Yeonjun's forehead 'Thank you' Hoseok mouthed which made the younger male roll his eyes but they grew comically wide when the older male pecked his lips... Before he could react, Hoseok was already in the car...

Taehyung's cheeks turned red but his heart clenched seeing Hoseok leaving with the toddler and tears started to roll down his cheeks... He gently placed his hand on his flat stomach and sobbed "I wish I could have saved you... I miss you my baby"

In the mid-way of their ride back home Yeonjun woke up and immediately started searching for his Appa "Appa Appa... Dadda bare ish Appa" is lips wobbled and tears started to escape from his eyes "Appa... Junnie ban Appa "

Hoseok held his baby close and kissed Yeonjun's forehead... "Baby... Stop calling him Appa... He is not your Appa... Jimin is... And he is waiting for you at home... He is already worried... Do you want Minnie to be upset, huh? You know, he was crying so much"

Yeonjun snuggled closer to his Dadda and looked at him with wobbly lips "Bant Appa and Minnie both... Pleese me bant Appa" and in no time he started crying again... Hoseok signed yet made his way to Jimin's apartment hoping that the toddler will stop crying after seeing his real father

But to his bad luck, Yeonjun still wanted Taehyung... It's weird and Hoseok doesn't know what is happening... Why suddenly Yeonjun is calling the raven haired male as his Appa... Why do they share so many similarities... Does that- his train of thoughts were halted by Mr. Jung's call... "Hello"

"I heard you are not giving divorce to Taehyung"

"Yes, you heard it right... I am not done torturing him yet..."

"Oh, I see... He deserves it... After what his father did to our Woonie... Kims deserves every single pain... However, I called you for some important stuff... You have to attend the wedding of Seonho's son in the UK... You cannot deny it... We cannot afford to lose this deal"

Hoseok sighed "Okay, as you say dad " he replied half heartedly not wanting to leave his husband or his son knowing they both are sick right now "Gagpa?~" Yeonjun questioned looking at his father with his adorable puppy eyes, Hoseok nodded and put the phone in speaker praying the toddler won't tell him about the visit " Bello Gagpaa~ Junie mis cu ben cu meet him? Cu kno he had pebar and Appa mad dink eww choco" he pouted at the end of his sentence

Mr. Jung chuckled, barely understanding a word his beloved grandson was saying... "Oh baby... Grandpa misses you so so much... I will come to visit you soon and also bring lots of chocolates and cookies for my sweet potato"

Yeonjun huffed which is surprisingly similar to Taehyung's huffing "Me no swet poteto me handumb stobary " this sentence made Mr. Jung laugh wholeheartedly "Awwww I am sorry my handumb strawberry please pardon me "

Yeonjun smiled widely "chu forlbeban" Mr. Jung continued to laugh "Oh my my... Big boy... You are too smart, huh? Okay... Take care... Hoba... Make sure your jet is ready by 5 pm... Get your schedule clear for the week..." The man in his late 50s cut the call without waiting for the response... Hoseok sighed and looked at his son "Handdumb strawberry, huh?" He started tickling Yeonjun, making the toddler laugh and fill the car with beautiful melody...


After 3 days, Taehyung was finally going back to his work... It definitely took him a lot to convince the older male to let him out of the prison... But it eventually worked when he blackmailed saying 'I helped your son' and Hoseok took a promise from him that he cannot meet Yoongi and take advantage of his absence in the city... And after giving his word to the older male, here Taehyung is... Back to his work... When he was almost done with his shift, Mr. Kang, his manager, stopped him "Tae... I am so sorry for stopping you at the last minute but as you can see, none of the delivery people are available so if you don't mind... Can you please drop this cake at Lee's?? I will pay you extra for this"

Taehyung nodded "Of course sir" taking the cake he wished him good night and made his way to the required address, the place wasn't that big but really cosy, there was a small dance floor with people dancing and enjoying also many kids were running here and there by the look of it one could easily tell it's a kid's birthday... He was looking for someone to pass the cake when a similar figure ran towards his direction "Appa~" saying that he hugged Taehyung's feet

Who stood there frozen, of course, he was happy to see Yeonjun after 3 freakin days but the environment turned really awkward when everyone started looking in their direction... If Yeonjun is here means Jimin must be here too... Because Hoseok is overseas and he ain't a big fan of parties... Jimin came towards them running when he noticed the looks everyone was giving Taehyung... "Baby..." He leaned down to Yeonjun and whispered in his baby's ear "darling... Don't call him Appa here and I promise to let you spend a day with him maybe 2 but don't call him Appa for now, please" he begged not wanting to be bombarded by the questions...

The toddler sadly nodded whereas Taehyung chuckled bitterly he walked closer to Jimin and whispered in his ear "Funny how the child of the partial reason for my son's death calls me Appa instead of his own father"  saying that he deliberately walked past them with a stone in his heart for ignoring the toddler who was still staring at him with grabby hands and pleading eyes

Jimin picked Yeonjun up with teary eyes and kissed his baby's cheek... "Baby... Come, Minnie will get you strawberries..." He disappeared in the crowd to avoid being the centre of attraction in someone else's party... Taehyung was also going to leave when Yoongi's voice stopped him "Hey Taebear... Long time no see... Did you really thought paying your father's treatment fees with interest and covering all of his expenses will end our friendship?"

Taehyung pouted and shook his head "Sorry hyungieee... I... Uhh Actually got busy with work... How are you? " He asked while hoping more like praying for any of Hoseok's guards especially Seungcheol who is the older male's one of the most trustworthy guards and also one of the very few people to know about Taehyung and Hoseok's relationship, from the day the later is married to Taehyung , Cheol has been secretly keeping an eye on him to guard him from any trouble... Then how does Taehyung know about him? Well he isn't stupid for not noticing how surprisingly Cheol is always around whenever Taehyung face any kind of problem for example once returning back from work few guans attached him and Cheol was there to help him out or the time he twisted his leg in a supermarket and the said male was there as well to help him out

"I see... Stay back for the cake cutting please... It's my nephew's birthday... Pretty please" Yoongi gave him that cute look which is hard to resist... "Hyung I-" Yoongi didn't let the younger male finish "Nope... You are staying and that's final"

With no choice left Taehyung stayed back with a fear that Hoseok was going to kill Yoongi and lock him in house arrest till the end of time " Taebear~ are you alright? You are looking really pale right now" Yoongi asked gently caressing Taehyung's cheek who flinched and moved back making the older male immediately regret his doing "Sorry bear i shouldn't have touched you without your consent"

The younger male shook his head and looked at Yoongi with a tight lipped smile... "It's not like that hyung... Actually-" he didn't get a chance to complete as the cake cutting was announced by the host... Taehyung and Yeonjun kept looking at one another, the toddler badly wanted to be in his Appa's hold and that's why a sad pout was present on his lips... Taehyung's heart clenched at the sight, he doesn't know why he hates seeing Yeonjun sad when he should technically be happy about it... Jimin must have noticed the stares his baby and the raven haired male were giving one another so, when his eyes met with Taehyung's, Jimin motioned the younger male to follow him out

"Why did you call me if it's any of your game then let me tell you Park Jimin I-" before he could finish his sentence Jimin forwarded the toddler in his direction who immediately hugged the raven haired male and Taehyung without thinking twice hugged the baby back to Jimin's surprise both raven haired male and the toddler had tears in their eyes like they were longing for this for ages which is in a way true even if they weren't longing to be in each other's arms for ages but they sure are feeling that way from the time the toddler left the raven haired male's home

Jimin was going to say something when a pungent smell hit his nostrils, he sniffed in the air before asking "You smell that?" he questioned, making Taehyung to look in his direction "No, what-" He coughed when his throat went dry "Le-Let's go in" Jimin nodded slowly but soon their heads started spinning and everything went black for them...

*No Proofread*

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