Chapter 38

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Taehyung returned back while stomping his feet , his nose was red, eyes were still teary "Yahh you Minnie mochi don't be an actual meanie... If I die in the middle of all these do you guys really want me to regret not meeting my father for one last time?" Saying so he walked closer to the kids and pulled Yeonjun on his lap and kissed Jihoon's cheek "They are annoying but anyway tell me what you wanna eat today i will make all your favourite dishes "

Yeonjun started speaking his gibberish, making demands for the foods he like while Jihoon took a deep breath and sighed "uncle, I understand your pain... But I also understand Hobi uncle's concern... Let's do one thing... Wear my Appa's coat and mask and visit your Dad with Minnie uncle and Dr. Min... Nobody will get to know this as they both work in the hospital and Dr. Min is taking care of your Dad, what say?"

Taehyung's eyes sparkled and he pulled the pre-teen closer and kissed his entire face "Hoonie you are the best thanks for such a great idea my smart baby" the pre-teen smiled which got wider when the toddler whined pointing at himself, the pre-teen picked the toddler up from Taehyung's hold and kissed both of his cheeks making the toddler giggle

Yoongi watched the entire scene with faint smile on his lips... He heart is swelled with pride knowing how mature and sensible his son is... Jungkook has surely done a fantastic job in raising Jihoon well... Yoongi wonders how the younger male would have handled everything on his own... How much part of Jihoon's childhood Jungkook has shared with Eunwoo? What will he do if his baby's appa will except Eunwoo's proposal? Yoongi was so lost in thoughts that he didn't noticed Jungkook who was continuously calling his name, resulting in younger male to smack Yoongi's upper arm... "Yahhh, are you deaf? Or still wondering how it would feel to have a family with Taehyung?"

Yoongi felt bad hearing Jungkook's mock but he knows that he completely deserves it "Sorry i was thinking about Mr. Kim... His health is deteriorating with every passing day but I don't know how I should tell this to Tae... Btw why were you calling me Kook?"

The younger male sighed and glanced at his best friend "I had a word with Hoseok-shi last night, he has approached Dr. Yan, he has agreed to do Uncle Kim's surgery... Hopefully, it will turn out to be successful... Also, about that pretending thing... I will help... only for TaeTae and Jimin hyung... they both deserve justice... I really want Mr. Jung to suffer 10 times of the pain he has caused to these poor souls"

Yoongi sighed in relief and was about to hug Jungkook when the younger male backed away "Thanks Kook... Uhh... did you get Tae's reports back? How is he doing now?" He knew he shouldn't ask about Taehyung especially when he is trying to make things right with the younger male but he just can't help it... He wants to be updated about Taehyung's also he doesn't really know what else he should about

"I am expecting them by noon... Will let you for sure" Jungkook was about to leave when Eunwoo suddenly came there and hugged the raven haired beauty "I am so happy, My Love... You remember the deal with William's I was talking about few days ago?" Jungkook hummed in response... "We got that deal, oh god... I am happy..." he pulled away from the hug and kissed Jungkook's forehead, making the latter smile widely "Congratulation Eun..."

The younger male smiled and hugged the raven haired male even tighter "Can we please go out and celebrate? Please please pretty please " he pleaded showing his best puppy eyes

Jungkook was about to reply when Yoongi cleared his throat "I am sorry but we have some important work to do... And it can't be postpone..." he wrapped his arm around Jungkook's shoulder and pulled the raven haired male away from Eunwoo... "Congratulation btw" saying that, he took Jungkook to his room, shocking both... Eunwoo and Jungkook by this move

Jihoon was about to get up and follow them when his best friend who was silently enjoying all the drama held his hand and shook her head , Jihoon opened his mouth to argue but before he could "Shut up, you aren't still completely healed" Saying that Jiwon picked her best friend up making everyone including Jihoon shock "Appa we have something important to discuss so no peeking i will tell you about it later" saying that she walked out of the room with her best friend in her arms who was just too stunt to even speak

"What the- are you out your mind? Why did you brought me h-mghff" Jungkook didn't got a chance to completely because of Yoongi's hand on his mouth...

Art: What? You thought a kiss? Doesn't Yoongi loves his balls?

"I am sorry okay... I am sorry for taking you out here like that... But... you can't go out on a date with Eunwoo" The older male said as he gently removed his hand from Jungkook's lips

"Why?" Jungkook asked glaring dead into the other father of his son's eyes, even though he was glaring but heart was beating like crazy especially after being this close to the older male after so long

"I just don't want the father of my child being around the guy who has feelings for him" Yoongi's statement was enough for Jungkook's big eyes to grow even wide... "What? If you won't tell me, I won't get to know about Jihoon being my son? I was your first... and the age Jihoon is right now clearly tells he you conceived him right after that night... He looks like me... he behaves like me... on top of that... Jimin told me you never had any other relationship after you got pregnant"

Jungkook was shocked beyond words but he somehow succeeded to maintain his calm "Sorry to say but you aren't MY son's father... Neither me nor MY son consider you as Jihoon's other father so please don't dream about suddenly mingling with us because that won't be happening"

Yoongi's expressions changed and he took a step closer to the younger male... He slowly wrapped his arms around Jungkook's waist making the other male gulp nervously... "I know... and I don't want anything to happen suddenly... But tell me one thing Kook... You initiated the move which ended up with us having sex, despite knowing that I loved Taehyung... You left the place saying 'I hope you don't remember anything'... then you decided to hide about your pregnancy, not even bothering to tell me about my own child... You left with my son... And I am the only one to be blamed? Do you think I wouldn't have accept you or my child if and only if you would have told me?"

"How was I supposed to tell you that I was fucking pregnant with your child when you were legit moaning Taehyung's name and pretended like nothing happened between us? I know that's why I never told you about my son... And even now also you don't have to be a part of our life... It has always been my solo journey and I can continue it alone" Saying that Jungkook turned around to leave but before he could Yoongi grabbed his hand and pulled him closer making their chest collapse

"No, I won't let you continue with your solo journey and I surely won't let that Boonboo take the place which belongs to me... I am Jihoon's dad and nobody can change that... not even you... Even if I was prepending like nothing happened... I DESERVED TO KNOW ABOUT MY CHILD... I would have done anything in the world to be with you and my child... Even put my feelings away for Taehyung nothing is more important than my son" Yoongi spoke in the coldest voice possible...

*No Proofread*

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