Chapter 35

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All of them were sitting in the dining room, enjoying their meal when Jihoon asked "Tae uncle, how's your health now? "

The said male shrugged... "I don't know buddy... A moment I feel like I am the healthiest man alive and next min, everything starts spinning... The worst is the vomit... I feel like everything from my inside will come out..." He shivered at the thought of puking again... "Hyung... Do you feel like throwing up randomly or after you have something, I mean, when do you have the strongest urge to throw up?" Jungkook asked, he had that question in mind but wanted to make sure Taehyung is doing fine

The raven haired male started to think " I mostly throw up after eating I guess like there are days when I feel nauseous all the time and throw up at any point of time but this mostly happens after eating "

Jungkook hummed in response... "And since when this started... Like, how many months did the symptoms started showing up? Also, when did it started getting severe?" It was a valid question, Jungkook barely had a time to ask this stuff and now that Taehyung is in a normal mood and they are having family time instead of being in a hospital room... He is more comfortable to answer

Taehyung thought for a while but then frowned "If I say honestly will you force me to take treatment?" He asked with a big pout making everyone sigh "Just answer please" Hoseok pleaded rubbing his husband's thighs making Taehyung huff "Fineeeee... Well the dizziness and nausea started around 1 year 7-8 months ago and it got severe around 4-5 months I guess "

Jungkook hummed in response... He started playing with hi fork... "Hyung... Have you changed something in your diet or added anything new which you weren't taking before?" Eunwoo leaned closer to Jungkook's ear "I don't understand, what is the point of this question, you told me it's his cancer, right?" He whispered making the older by few months to roll his eyes and waited for Taehyung's answer...

Taehyung thought for a while but then shook his head "No babe now can we enjoy the dinner also..." He picked the toddler up who looked at everyone with pleading eyes which the raven haired male was quick to match "can we have/abe icecream? please/pleadeee"

Everyone sighed but ended up laughing... "We can't say no those eyes now, can we?" Jungkook questioned... Yoongi also cleared his throat "Let's finish this dinner then, we have to go get the ice cream... Someone has to accompany me... I am not going alone" Ji-won smiled... "I will go with you uncle" Yoongi smiled and patted the girl's head... Making Jihoon envy his best friend somewhere in his heart...

After the dinner, Eunwoo left to meet his friends, Jimin and Taehyung were playing with the kids in the bedroom... Hoseok was trying to focus on his work while Jungkook was doing this dishes...

Yoongi along with Jiwon went to get the ice-creams and on their way back to home Jiwon couldn't help but asked "Uhh... Uncle you know I saw a movie yesterday in that the bottom and top had a drunk one night stand but the problem was top thought he was someone else... Someone who the top loves but feeling embarrassed about the situation the top decided to act like nothing happened and eventually forgot about everything but the bottom got pregnant and knowing that the top loves someone else never confess until years later when top's lover is married to someone else and the bottom's child hates him... It's a interesting movie but I didn't get the chance to finish it... What do you think can happen next as now the top is all alone but the bottom he has a gentleman to look after him and his son ,that gentleman really cares about him I think he should go with that gentleman what you think?"

Yoongi stopped the car and looked at Ji-won with big eyes... "I knew it... Jihoon is my son... Dammit... I should have directly asked Jungkook instead of beating around the bush... Ughhhhh..." He ran a hand through his grey locks... "I messed up, right? Earlier, only Jihoon used to hate me... And now, Jungkook hates me too... Yes, I agree that I forgot about the night and everything, got myself busy with the work... But that doesn't change the fact that Jihoon is my son... And about Eunwoo... I don't know... I really don't know" Yoongi hit his head on the steering wheel

Jiwon sighed and patted her uncle's shoulder "Well the good thing is you aren't that dumb I thought you would be"

Yoongi scoffed "Thank you" there was a clear sarcasm in his voice but then he looked at the young lady with hopeful eyes "Yahhh don't look at me like that... I am just 6 years 8 months old... I am too young for your dramas" the older male's lips turned into a said pout "pretty please"

"You learned that from Taehyung uncle didn't you?" Jiwon said but that only made the older male to pout wider "Okay fineeeeeeeeeeeeee but only if I get satisfied with the answers of the questions I am about to ask " without thinking twice Yoongi vigorously nodded his head desperate to do anything to get his son's forgiveness

"Okay so, When was the first time you felt something different about Kookie uncle, like he is more than just a friend kind of different"

"Never actually, but last night when he was working out without upper clothes, I did felt something"

"Ummhmmm... What would you do if Jihoon never forgives you?"

"I don't know"

"Will you be happy if Kookie uncle gets married to Eunwoo uncle?"

"I don't know"

"Ugh... Fine... you are a gone case... Tell me what happened that night... And in detail... don't miss out on anything..."

Yoongi stared at the young lady with hesitation "You know that we-" Jiwon cut the older male off "Of course I know... Get to the detail mister" Yoongi sighed and began to talk about it...

*No Proofread*

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