Chapter 26

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"Hell no... The fuck bro... Are you guys out of your mind" Jungkook yelled at the Jung brother-in-laws as they all sat in Yoongi's cabin... Jimin has came up with this great idea to use Jungkook as a bait to allure Mr. Jung and get the truth out

"Kook baby, relax and please agree... Pretty please" Jimin requested looking at the younger male with pleasing eyes who sighed "I can't do this hyung what if that insane man goes after my s-family? I am sorry but I really don't want to risk my you know "

Yoongi gave a confused look to the youngest in the room but still kept quiet... "I know... but look at you, a literal sex appeal you are... Taehyung or I would have done that but he already knows us obviously and on top of that, we don't know any other walking sex god who can do that to us... Before you ask, Jin hyung has already said BIG NO because his possessive ass husband won't let him do that... Cheol should really stop being Seokie's bodyguard" Jimin's monologue made Jungkook signed for the n-th time... "I don't know... why can't Yoongi hyung do this? Why me?"

"Well... With due respect just look at this cold ass you think he will agree? "Jimin replied in a dah tone making Jungkook rub his temper "See hyung i would have surely done it but that man is dangerous I am not afraid for myself but my little s-family"

Yoongi finally spoke "What is up with you today? Why are you stuttering so much while saying Family? Also, ain't your family full of mafias? Why are so scared about their safety when technically people fears them, no offence"

"No no no no no no it's nothing I... Uhh... Jimin hyung" he whined when he couldn't come up with anything to cover it up making Jimin chuckle "You and Tae are the same... Such bad lairs "

Both the younger men pouted in offence at the mockery... "Yahhh don't drag me into this... I did nothing wrong..." Taehyung huffed and turned his face in other direction which eventually made Jimin to shook his head... "Jungkookie... just think about it once okay... we are not forcing you but it would be great help if you agree... Plus it's high time to confront the odds before it's too late... because even if it's scary, hiding is never the right option" Taegi duo looked at Jimin with utter confusion while Jungkook frowned

"I am not hiding hyung it's just a personal choice of not telling that's it... Also i will think about it but... But I can't do anything that can endanger my Jihoon" He spoke the last line in a low mumbling voice hoping Yoongi to not hear it

Before anyone could say something, Jungkook's phone started ringing, it was from Jihoon's school... "Hello"

"Mr. Jeon? It's Jihoon's class teacher, Jeonghan... Your son fell from the staircase... If you have done the first aid but he is still unconscious, can you please come to the school?"

"I... I am coming right now" Jungkook asked in a panic voice already tearing up "Hy-Hyung I need to go... My baby... My baby fal... I need to go" he was panicking making both Taehyung and Jimin to embrace him "Sushh sushhh... We are coming with you... Don't worry, your baby will be alright "

Jungkook stood up and started running like a madman, not waiting for the other, however, they followed, including a really confused Yoongi... "Hey, I am also coming" Jimin and Taehyung's eyes grew wide when the older male surpassed them and was quick to Jungkook's wrist "Give me the key, you are not in the right state to drive..."

Jungkook was actually not in his right state of mind to think about anything so he just passed the car key to the older male... "Where is the location?" Yoongi asked both Taehyung and Jimin gulped looking at each other not knowing if they should tell him or not "Seoul public school please go fast" Jungkook said being a total crying mess

Yoongi nodded and settled down in the driver's seat while Jungkook slipped in the passenger one and the other two got in the back... Taehyung was squeezing the youngest's shoulder to give him reassurance... Every second felt like an eternity to Jungkook, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he fought to keep his emotions in check... Images of Jihoon flashed through his mind, his laughter, his smile, his innocent eyes filled with curiosity and wonder...

Finally, they reached the school, his heart pounding in his ears as he burst through the doors... The corridors were a blur as he sprinted towards the principal's office, his chest tight with fear and apprehension...

"Where's my son? Is he okay?" Jungkook demanded, his voice trembling with emotion as he barged into the room…

"Hopefully Mr. Jeon, he is still unconscious, i think you should take him to the hospital...he is in the medical room right" saying that the principal motioned the staff to show them the way and the moment Jungkook saw his son he burst out crying "Baby~" he ran towards his son and gently caressed his cheeks "Baby wake up... See Appa is here"

Taehyung placed a hand on Jungkook's shoulder, offering silent support as they waited anxiously for any sign of movement from Jihoon...

Tears streamed down the younger male's cheeks as he brushed his fingers through Jihoon's hair, his voice choked with emotion... "Please, Baby, open your eyes..." he pleaded softly, his heart breaking at the sight of his son lying motionless before him...

Jimin stood by, his eyes glistening with unshed tears, his heart heavy with worry for his friend... He reached out and gently squeezed Jungkook's hand, offering silent solidarity in their time of need... "Let's take him to the hospital"

They took him to the hospital and Yoongi did the kid's checkup. After an hour or so he came out "He is alright and will be in his senses in a few minutes... He passed out from the and due to immense pain... The faculty of his school is useless they simply bandage without even looking at how deep his wounds are"

Jungkook stood up and hugged Yoongi suddenly "Thank you so much... Can I see my baby?" the older male nodded with a small smile and that was it for the buffed bunny to run into the room... Jimin and Taehyung also hugged one another in relief... But Yoongi's next question made them share a wide eye look "Who is Jungkook's wife? and when did he got married?"

"Oh my my phone is ringing, it's a really really important call I will be back or maybe not byeee" Saying that he ran away from there, Jimin looked at his moving figure with a done face "Brat, he left me here all alone" he mumbled under his breath "Uhh.. yeah the man called him actually wants to talk to me i should go as well"

Yoongi was quick to hold Jimin back and took the younger male into his cabin... "What are you hiding?" he didn't played around the bush and directly asked knowing there is something they know but he doesn't

Jimin sighed before looking back at the older male"Hyung see when you know we are hiding means we can't tell right? The only thing I can say is it's Jungkook's and only Jungkook's place to say if he wants to tell you something... Sorry"

*No Proofread*

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