Chapter 46

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Mr. Jung was about to remove Namjoon's boxers when a kick landed right on his jaw... "BECAUSE OF YOU I HAD TO LEAVE MY PREGNANT HUSBAND ALONG YOU ASSHOLE" Cheol growled as he started hitting Mr. Jung even more... While Jackson was quick to get Hoseok out of the hold of Hae-in's Men... "Missed me?" his cocky remark made the older male roll his eyes before he rushed towards Namjoon and covered the younger male with his blazer...

At that moment one of Mr. Jung's guard was about to pull his dragger at Hoseok but before he could a bullet hit on his making him die on the spot "That's god I took shooting classes in my highschool days" Yoongi said shooting at the other guard, but the moment Yoongi shoot that guard, others also grabbed their revolvers and took defensive poses ready to turn the room into a battle field

"Oh..." An evil smirk appeared on Yoongi's face…

"Let's play it this way then" in no time, the firing started and to Hoseok's surprise, Yoongi was good at defending himself

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"Let's play it this way then" in no time, the firing started and to Hoseok's surprise, Yoongi was good at defending himself... He made Namjoon to hide behind the bed before pulling out his gun... Cheol and Jackson were also playing their part right... But a bullet pierced through Yoongi's forearm... Making him wince in pain... "Oh fuck... Die you bitch" he shot the guy and hide behind the wall to take a deep breath "okay... Hear me out... If I somehow end up dying today... I love you Jihoon... Even if you hate me... And don't consider me your dad... I still love you... And I am lucky that even for a limited amount of time... I got to meet you... And Kook... Baby take care of yourself" he saw many black suit men approaching towards the room and took his position... "This better we worth it"

Everyone present in Yoongi's home and Jungkook's eyes turned tears hearing his words... Jihoon snatched the phone from Taehyung's hold "No don't say that Dad please, please return back safely your son wants to spend the rest of his life with both of his parents please be safe for Appa for me" he started making his best friend embrace him immediately

"Aish... What a bad timing, now I have to kill all of them... Don't worry... Your dad will come home" they heard the gun shots "along with everyone else... Die die you bastards..."


Jungkook walked more and more into the passage while tears kept falling from his eyes... He entered into the space which left like a small apartment inside the giant mansion... But what shocked him more was Mr. Jung and Mr. Kim's pictures from their maybe school or college days... But then his eyes landed on one door... He tried to open it but it was locked... "Fuck man what's with Mr. Jung and his obsession with locking everything... What next is for me to see, naked pictures of Mr. Jung and uncle Kim?" Jungkook questioned to himself as he tried to open the door

"Please don't say that he is my father" Taehyung sobbed feeling disgusted by the fact that despite having a relationship in the past and that man can go this low to make his own ex lover and lover's son life this miserable

"I am sorry TaeTae... But this place is actually filled with Uncle Kim and this monster's pictures... I don't know... They looked... Happy... It's weird and hella confusing" Jungkook said and he tried to unlock the door using another Bobby pin

After a long struggle it finally opened but what he saw inside made him lose it "OH MY MOTHER FUCKING GOD"


"A quick question if we Kill Mr. Jung today does that mean you will have his entire property? If that's the case then can we get a heavy bonus for legit leaving my boyfriend in the middle of our date... Ahhh we were about to have our first time but...  Nevermind " Jackson said while still focusing on those guards

Hoseok rolled his eyes as he headshot one of the men... "Seriously Jackson?" Cheol was completely in support of his fellow bodyguard and friend "I agree with him... Do you know how difficult it is to leave you 9 months pregnant husband alone at home? he can go into labour anytime and here I am fighting these bastards... Be glad Taehyung texted us on right time... Now, bonus and promotion"

"And a month of holiday" Jackson continued making Cheol nod in agreement... "Fineee i will give you both paid holidays but first kill those basterds and take us out of here all safe and sound please " Hoseok said hugging his ex lover who was shivering in his hold

"Aye Aye Captain" both the guards got into action while Hoseok made Namjoon to look at him... "Hey hey... You are safe... I am here... Nothing will happen to you okay? You trust your Seok, right? Please calm down... For me... Please"

"Th-that man touched me with those nasty hands... He kissed-" Namjoon couldn't breathe, just the thought of almost getting raped my a man he once considered no less than his father... He can't explain how much this is hurting him on so many levels

Hoseok embraced the younger male tightly... "Shush... Calm down... Please... He will pay for everything..." He kissed Namjoon's head continuously knowing used to help the younger male calm down whenever Namjoon used to take lots of stress... "Boss... You want us to kill him?" Jackson asked as they pointed the gun in Mr. Jung's direction because he was the only remaining...

"No tie him up, we need a hell lot of answers before kicking him out of this world "  Hoseok said making both the guards while "You are no fun" Jackson mumbled before shooting at his leg "Oops sorry my hand mistakenly moved on its own"

Hoseok shook his head knowing very well how that 'mistake' happened... They tied Mr. Jung... And Hoseok helped his former Lover to stand up but when Namjoon couldn't, he picked the younger male up in bridal style... They got out of the room to see Yoongi was standing with the support of a pillar "Fuck man... You turned a doctor into criminal..." Cheol helped Yoongi to walk but then they realised the absence of Jungkook... "Hey wait... My future husband is missing"

"Do you know where he last went?" Hoseok asked making Yoongi nod and he told the your male about the study room and whatever he knows about it so far "And 'Oh my mother fucking god ' was the last thing that we heard before the network got disconnected " the silver haired male said only to notice how Mr. Jung's face turned pale by the mention of the tunnel type of place inside the secret door of that study room

Yoongi raised his eyebrow... "What happened Mr. Jung? Scared that your truth will be out now? Dating Taehyung's father and then turning his life into hell must have a reason, no?" They heard the footsteps approaching and everyone turned around but never in their wildest dream did they thought they will ever see...


*No Proofread*

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